Yes, I know it's supposed to be Treasure Chest Thursday, but I can't help it - I want to share some of the records that I (and others) have found in my/their repository and online searches for my ancestral families.
This week's Treasure is the 1880 United States Federal Census record for the Elling Eriksen Natvig household in Cottage Grove, Dane County, Wisconsin:
The Elling Netweg household:
The information extracted from this record:
* Elling Netweg - white, male, age 57, married, farmer, born Norway, parents born Norway/Norway
* Annie Netweg - white, female, age 67, wife, married, keeping house, born Norway, parents born Norway/Norway
* Christena Netweg - white, female, age 34, daughter, single, at home, born Norway, parents born Norway/Norway
* Sylvester Netweg - white, male, age 31, son, single, farmer, born Norway, parents born Norway/Norway
* Erick Netweg - white, male, age 28, son, single, farmer, born Norway, parents born Norway/Norway
* Ole Hanson - white, male, age 35, boarder, single, laborer, born Norway, parents born Norway/Norway
The source citation for this record is:
1880 United States Federal Census, Dane County, Wisconsin, population schedule, Cottage Grove Township, Enumeration District 64, Page 284A (stamped), Dwelling #82, Family #82, Elling Netweg household, digital image, ( : accessed 25 July 2009); citing National Archives Microfilm Publication T9, Roll 1421.
This is the household of Elling Eriksen Natvig, with his wife Anna Ellingsdtr Natvig, and three of his four children by Anna - Christina, Sylvester and Erick. There is also a laborer boarder in the household when the census was taken.
Elling Eriksen and Anna Ellingsdtr Natvig are my wife's second great-grandparents, through their daughter Anna Ellingsdtr (Natvig) Leland (1853-1911), who married Torger Sjursen Leland (1850-1933) in 1876.
Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver
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