New Records Available To Search This Findmypast Friday
Over 1.5 million new records and newspaper articles are available to search this Findmypast Friday, including;
Yorkshire & Derbyshire Methodist Baptisms contains over 42,000 records that will allow you to see if your ancestor was baptised in a Methodist Church between 1795 and 1997. The collection covers the densely populated Sheffield district. Sheffield is located in South Yorkshire, traditionally part of the West Riding of Yorkshire, and many of its suburbs stretch into Derbyshire.
Each record will provide you with a transcript created from original church records by the Sheffield & District Family History Society. The details in each record will vary, but most will include your ancestor's name, birth year, baptism date, denomination, chapel, place, parent's name and county.
Yorkshire & Derbyshire Methodist Marriages contains over 22,000 records. These records also cover the Sheffield district from the early years of the church until the 21st century. Within the collection, you will find records from eight branches of the Methodist Church: Free Methodist, Methodist, Methodist New Connection, Primitive Methodist, United Free Methodist, United Methodist, Wesleyan Methodist, and Wesleyan Reform Methodist.
Within the collection, you will find records from eight branches of the Methodist Church: Free Methodist, Methodist, Methodist New Connection, Primitive Methodist, United Free Methodist, United Methodist, Wesleyan Methodist, and Wesleyan Reform Methodist.
Over 1.5 million new articles have been added to our collection of historic British Newspapers. Three brand new titles have also been added; the Cricket and Football Field, Lloyd's List and the Homeward Mail from India, China and the East.
Lloyd's List is one of the world's oldest continuously running journals, having provided weekly shipping news in London as early as 1734. Known simply as The List, it was begun by the proprietor of Lloyd's Coffee House in the City of London, England as a reliable and concise source of information for the merchants' agents and insurance underwriters who met regularly in his establishment in Lombard Street to negotiate insurance coverage for trading vessels. The Homeward Mail from India China and the East will be a huge boon for those researching the history of empire, or for those with British or Irish ancestors who lived in India.
Over 12,000 records of monumental inscriptions from St Nicholas Church, Chiswick, have been added to our collection of Middlesex Monumental Inscriptions. The records cover the years 1485 to 2014 and includes transcripts for each entry. While the amount of available information will vary from transcript to transcript, most will include a combination of your ancestors name, birth year, death year, dedication, place, monument type and inscription.
Inscriptions may include the names of others buried in that plot as well as more specific details regarding age and birth and death dates. This can be incredibly helpful as it can provide you with the names and dates of your ancestor's next of kin. Links you to a PDF document that includes histories, images, and burial ground plans for the churches represented in this collection are also included.
Disclosure: I am a Findmypast Ambassador, and receive a complimentary Findmypast subscription.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2017/01/new-records-available-to-search-this_13.html
Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver
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