Here is an article from the 15 April 1858 edition of the Christian Era (Boston, Massachusetts) newspaper:
The transcription of the article is:
"Rev. Horace Seaver, Senior Agent of the American and Foreign Bible Society, died at his late residence in New Jersey, on Sunday week, after a short illness, in the sixty-seventh year of his age. This name is very familiar to all the Baptists of the northern portions of our country. He has long been an earnest and faithful laborer in the cause of Christ, and has, perhaps, collected more money and done more to sustain the American and foreign Bible society , than any other living man. In all the late trials of that organization, he stood a faithful friend, and scarcely will the Society be able to fill his place. He was one of the few agents who paid his own way, and made himself profitable to the Society sending him out. Having the confidence of the pastors, and a perfect knowledge of his work, with a large acquaintance with human nature, he was enabled to heal strifes, and do much to render permanent the organization of which he was the agent. So our elder brothers are passing away. Pastors and teachers are leaving the pulpit for their reward."
The source citation for this article is:
"REV. HORACE SEAVER," Christian Era [Boston, Mass.] newspaper, online index and digital image, GenealogyBank ( : accessed 11 January 2017), Thursday, 15 April 1858, page 2, column 2.
I have this Horace Seaver (1792-1858) in my RootsMagic database with two spouses and 13 children. He apparently died 4 April 1858 at his home in New Jersey. Unfortunately, this obituary did not describe his surviving family, which would have been useful. Perhaps I can find that in other resources.
Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver
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