Wednesday, July 5, 2017

San Diego Genealogical Society Ice Cream Social on Saturday, 8 July

The July meeting of the San Diego Genealogical Society will be Saturday, 8 July 2017, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at St. Andrews Lutheran Church (8350 Lake Murray Blvd in San Diego CA 92119, just south of Jackson Drive).

The program speaker will be Randy Seaver, with presentations on:

10 a.m.:  Genealogy Learning Opportunities

11:30 a.m.  Crafting Great Source Citations

There will be no education classes at 9 a.m. this month.

For the ice cream social, there will be:

Chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry ice cream, whipped cream, sprinkles, nuts, and cherries will be available to make your own sundae, as well as individual scoops of ice cream.

Oh boy!!  I'm usually first in line for this.


Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver

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