Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Genealogy News Bytes - 4 July 2017

Some of the genealogy news items across my desktop the last three days include:

1)  News Bytes:

*  Registration Opens for the 2017 Virtual PMC

*  Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (21-26 January 2018) Registration Opens on 8 July

2)  Record Databases:

*  Added or Updated Databases at Ancestry.com - Week of 25 June to 1 July 2017

*  Added or Updated Record Collections at FamilySearch.org - Week of 25 June to 1 July 2017

*  Findmypast:  17 New Titles Join our Newspaper Collection (UK)

*  Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives: latest updates

*  Fold3:  Access Revolutionary War Records for Free* (through 15 July)

*  TheGenealogist Launches over 100,000 Doctors/Dentist records, as well as adding 11,998 names to its War Memorial Records

3)  Genealogy Education:

*  Findmypast Announces New Must Have Course for Finding British Ancestors

*  Book Now for the Gena and Jean Cruise (prices increase 7 July)

*  Free Webinar (Thursday, 6 July, 7 p.m. EDT):  It's Not all Online - Researching in Archives by Melissa Barker (Ontario Genealogical Society, registration required)

*  FamilyTreeWebinar (Wednesday, 5 July, 2 p.m. EDT):  Censational Census Strategies, by Mary Kircher Roddy (registration required)

*  Extreme Genes Radio Show/Podcast:  Episode 198 – Kansas Woman On How To Grave Witch / Southern Cousins Attempt to ID All 45 Of Ancestor’s Children!

*  BYU Family History Library YouTube Video:  I Got My DNA Results-Now What? by Vivien Brown

*  Ancestral Findings YouTube video:  3 Ways to Be Constantly Improving Your Genealogy Research by Ancestral Findings.

4)  Genealogy Bargains:

*  Genealogy Bargains for Tuesday 4 July 2017

*  50% off subscriptions to Irish Newspaper Archives (through 7 July)

5)  Neat Stuff:

*  A Short System of Practical Arithmetic, by William Kinne, 1829; has all the conversions of valriables used in colonial times (weights, measures, etc.).

*  Do You Think You Are a U.S. Historian?  Take the quiz!

*  Top 5 Shocking Magician Tricks from America and Britain's Got Talent 2016 Video (not genealogy, but neat!)


Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver

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Louis Kessler said...

The Rubiks cube one got me.

Wendy Callahan said...

I've been listening to the latest episode of "Extreme Genes" and enjoying the story about the grave witching. Now I know what to do when I'm searching for a grave that "should be right here." :)