Wednesday, February 27, 2019 Introduces New and Improved DNA Matching Tools Feature in Beta has announced a new feature for New and Improved AncestryDNA Matching Tools  in a Beta release.  Here is the Ancestry Fact Sheet information for the New and Improved DNA Matching Tools:


New and Improved DNA Matching Tools
 Fact Sheet


● New & Improved DNA Matches: Now you can easily sort, group, and view your DNA matches any way you’d like. We’re redesigning the DNA Match experience to help you make more discoveries, faster. Now use color coding, custom labeling, and other innovative new tools to see your AncestryDNA connections in the clearest light possible. 

About the Product

● More control: With new tools and customizable groups, New & Improved DNA Matches gives you control over how you group and view the matches that are the most meaningful to you.

● Streamlines matches: New & Improved DNA Matches allows you to quickly identify your newest matches or your maternal/paternal matches more easily.

● New Look: A much needed redesign brings an updated look and new features to the DNA Match experience.

● Updated Match List: This offers customers new ways to filter their matches, such as by close, distant, not viewed, tree status, notes and messaged. If a customer has a parent(s) tested, they can also now see a maternal and/or paternal label next to the matches that are descended from that side of the family.

● Custom Groups: A much longed for feature request - there is also the ability to create custom groups that can be labeled, assigned a color and applied to any matches in a customer’s Match List.

● Easily View Additional Tests: Customers can also easily see and switch between the Match Lists for AncestryDNA tests they administer, collaborate or have viewer rights for.

Release Information

● The New & Improved DNA Matches experience will be in public beta on 2/27 and anyone with an AncestryDNA test may opt-in at Customers will continue to find this feature from the DNA Matches card on the logged-in-home-page and from the AncestryDNA menu item in the site navigation. We are still adding functionality and the features may change day-to-day as we work to provide the best version of this tool. Please come back frequently to use the tool and leave feedback for us.


At RootsTech 2019, there will be regular in-booth demos (come and check the schedule!) for this feature.  In addition, Kelly Becker and Neal Varner will present a combined class for ThruLines™  and New and Improved DNA Matching Tools (Ancestry Tools for Genetic Genealogy:  A Comprehensive Overview) on Friday, 1 March at 1:30 p.m. (class RT8001).

Note:  I am happy that Ancestry is adding new features to the AncestryDNA product.  I have explored this new feature for several days, and will demonstrate it within the next week in a blog post.

Disclosure:  I have had a fully paid subscription since 2000. has provided material considerations for travel expenses to meetings, and has hosted events and meals that I have attended in Salt Lake City, in past years.

Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

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Diane Gould Hall said...

At long last, some tools to help us out. This is beyond welcomed. I’ve also discovered that MyHeritage has rolled out a new tool today called Theory of Family Relativity. Another great new tool for all of us. I’m excited that we are getting more and more functions to help us figure out our connections. Especially when you have a pesky family such as mine.

Bill said...

This offers some welcome improvements albeit very beta, needing lots of refinement. Left a long note of feedback yesterday. Biggest wish not satisfied - no DNA painting yet...