The treasure today is the 1709 marriage record of Samuel Hubburd and Sarah Clark in the Concord, Massachusetts vital town record book:
The marriage record for Samuel Hubburd and Sarah Clark is the second entry in the Marriages section of the page:
This record says:
""Samuel Hubburd and Sarah Clark both of concord were marryed by y^e Rever^nd Joseph Estabrooke Decemb^r y^e 8th day, 1709"
The source citation for this record is:
George Tolman (compiler), Concord, Massachusetts Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1635-1850 (Concord, Mass. : Committee on Printing, 1894), Concord births, Marriages and Deaths, page 74, Samuel Hubburd and Sarah Clark marriage entry, 1709.
This record is a Derivative Source with Primary Information and Direct Evidence of the names of Samuel Hubburd and Sarah Clark, and the marriage date and place. The Original Source is a town record book marriage register and a county marriage register that are no longer available. Apparently, the records in this book are from a copy of the original register. They are still Primary Information and Direct Evidence for the names and marriage event.
Samuel Hubburd (1687-1753) was the son of Jonathan and Hannah (Rice) Hubburd of Concord, Massachusetts. Sarah Clark (1681-1720) was the daughter of Samuel and Rachel (Nichols) Clark of concord.
Samuel and Sarah (Clark) Hubburd are my 7th great-grandparents, through their daughter Mary Hubburd (1712-1754) who married Amos Gates (1706-1783) in 1732.
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Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver
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