Tuesday, February 25, 2020

FREE Education Opportunities at RootsTech 2020 Salt Lake City -- Starts on Wednesday, 26 February

The RootsTech 2020 Salt Lake City Family History Conference starts on Wednesday, 26 February and goes through Saturday, 29 February.  Here is some information for those who cannot attend the conference:

1)  There are FREE livestreaming classes scheduled on all four days online at   www.RootsTech.org See the livestream schedule at https://www.rootstech.org/salt-lake/live-stream-scheduleNote the times are Mountain time, so Eastern time is two hours later and Pacific time is one hour earlier. 

2)  There are FREE class handouts for many of the classes on the website   https://www.rootstech.org/salt-lake-schedule.  There are about 300 classes on the list - something for everyone - DNA, Research, Resources, Stories, Trees, etc. I wrote a blog post on how to access the class handouts in  RootsTech 2020 SLC Class Handouts Available on RootsTech Website.

Please pass this on to your genealogy friends who might be interested.  

I will leave San Diego on Wednesday afternoon, and return on Sunday morning.  I look forward to seeing hundreds of genealogy friends in the Expo Hall, in classes and events.  If you see me, please stop me to say hello.  I'm getting older and can't recall everybody's name or face, so bear with me.  I hope to blog quite a bit from the Media Hub and hotel room, but who knows!  

I will have a RootsTech 2020 SLC genealogy blog compendium starting on Wednesday.  Regular blog posts on Genea-Musings may be sporadic.  I doubt that I will publish a Genealogy News Bytes on Friday, or a Saturday Night Genealogy Fun post on Saturday.  

With my new iPhone, I should be able to take more photos in the Expo Hall and events and plan to publish what I can daily.  


Disclosure:  I am a RootsTech 2020 SLC Ambassador, and received a complimentary four-day registration to the conference, and access to the Media Hub.

Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver

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1 comment:

Diane Gould Hall said...

Looking forward to seeing you. I’m excited to be attending this event for the second time.