Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Finding Richmans, Richs, Marshmans in the Hilperton Land Tax Assessment Records, 1773-1793 - Part I

Continuing my quest for finding the parents of my John Richman (1788-1867) in Hilperton, Wiltshire, England, I recalled that I had obtained digital images of the Hilperton and Whaddon Land Tax Assessment, 1773-1884 from Family History Library microfilm 1278837 (Items 23-24) over several years, but I have not copied all of the pages.

My thought was that perhaps I could find where my John Richman, John Rich and John Marshman families resided in the 1780-1850 time frame, and what their relative location was.

Here is a map of Hilperton from about the 1773 time frame:

There are perhaps 50 buildings shown on the map above, with some in Hilperton Marsh.

A current 2020 map of Hilperton shows many more houses, as would be expected, and mostly in the Hilperton Marsh area, but the major roads are essentially the same:

The Hilperton parish church is about where the "H" in Hilperton is on the 2020 map.  The road that the Hilperton Village Hall is on leads off to Whaddon to the northeast.  Hilperton Marsh is to the northwest, via Hill Street.  Church Street starts where Hill St. and Whaddon Lane meet, and bends to the south to Devizes Road.  Devizes Road is the road that the Lion & Fiddle is on where Church Street meets it.  Elizabeth Way is part of Trowbridge and not Hilperton.

Here is the first page of the tax assessment records in Hilperton and Whaddon for 1773:

The format changes over time, the names change some over time, and the amount of tax assessed is constant after 1775.  The left-hand column has the names of the land owners.  Some of the lines on the image above have more than one name to denote a former owner or an occupier of the land.

The names, and their relative position on the list, don't change much over the range of years I have available.

Here is the 1793 list (2 images) :

I carefully reviewed the lists for each available year and made a table of the entries for Richman, Rich, and Marshman.  Here is the table:

Hilperton Tax Assessment, 1773-1884 (FHL MF 1278837 Items 23-24)
Owner Name
 £  - s - d      
17 John Richman

18 - 11-1/4
17 John Richman

11 - 11-1/4
25 John Richman Himself
1 – 5 – 3       
50 Mark Pikes Houses Jno Richman & Abm Davis
6 – 0       
57 Isaac Richman late Palmers Himself
2 – 0       
20 John Richman Himself
1 – 5 – 3       
50 Mark Pikes house John Richman & Tom Davis
6 – 0       
58 Isaac Richman late Palmers

2 – 0       
19 John Richman Himself
1 – 5 – 8       
49 Mark Pikes house John Richman & Wm Davis
6 – 0       
57 Isaac Rich late Palmers Himself
2 – 0       
19 John Richman Himself
1 – 5 – 3       
49 Mark Pikes house John Rich & Wm Davis
6 – 0       
20 John Richman Himself
1 – 5 – 3       
50 Mark Pikes house John Rich & William Davis
6 – 0       
20 John Richman Himself
1 – 5 – 3       
50 Mark Pike John Rich & Wm Davis
6 – 0       
5 Edward Eyler late Humphreys John & Wm Marshman &6
3 – 8       
20 John Richman Himself
1 – 5 – 3       
50 Mark Pike John Rich & Davis
6 – 0       
5 Edw Eyler late Humphreys John & William Marshman & James Fyt
3 – 8       
21 John Richman Himself
1 – 5 – 3       
51 Mark Pike John Rich & William Davis
6 – 0       
4 Edw Eyler late Humphreys John & Wm Marshman & James Fyte
3 – 8       
20 John Richman Himself
1 – 5 – 3       
50 Mark Pike John Rich & Wm Davis
6 – 0       
20 John Richman Himself
1 – 5 – 3       
50 Mark Pike John Rich & Wm Davis
6 – 0       
20 John Richman Himself
1 – 5 – 3       
50 Mark Pike John Rich & Wm Davis
6 – 0       
20 John Richman Himself
1 – 5 – 3       
49 Mark Pike John Rich
6 – 0       
20 John Richman Himself
1 – 5 – 3       
49 Mark Pike John Rich
6 – 0       
20 John Richman Himself
1 – 5 – 3       
49 Mark Pike John Rich
6 – 0       

The numbers in the second column are the lines from the first name on the list.  For 1793, John Richman is the 20th line down the list and Mark Richman is the 49th line.  These line numbers change slightly over time.

I will provide more analysis in the next post in this series.  I wish I had copied more pages in 2018 when I was at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.  This microfilm has not been digitized yet.

For earlier posts about finding the parents of John Richman, see:

*  Who Were the Parents of John Richman (1788-1867) of Hilperton, Wiltshire? - Part I (posted 12 March 2020)
*  Who Were the Parents of John Richman (1788-1867) of Hilperton, Wiltshire? - Part 2 (posted 24 March 2020)
*  Who Were the Parents of John Richman (1788-1867) of Hilperton, Wiltshire? - Part 3 (posted 6 April 2020)


Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver

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1 comment:

A van Helsdingen said...

This microfilm has been digitized- but it's only available at FHCs and Affiliate Libraries, making it effectively inaccessible until the pandemic improves and these facilities reopen.