Wednesday, June 17, 2020

New England Historical and Genealogical Register - Spring 2020 Issue is Out!

The Spring 2020 issue (Volume 174, number 2) of the New England Historical and Genealogical Register is out with 100 pages of great genealogy research and journalism.  I receive this via email with a link to the digital format PDF.  

Here is the Table of Contents:

I always read this quarterly journal carefully because, even though the articles may not be for my ancestors, they may mention my ancestors or provide an educational opportunity to learn more about a resource, a local history, or a research technique.

I am an NEHGS subscriber for almost 30 years now, and have a tall pile of NEHGR issues on my bookcase which I occasionally dig into.  These days, I receive the latest issue via download and save it to my Genealogy Education folder on my computer. The real subscription prize for me these days is access to American Ancestors which has hundreds of New England databases and dozens of digitized online periodicals.  They also have the most Massachusetts probate databases in one place that are meticulously indexed (unlike some other record providers indexes!) and are usually the probate case files rather than the probate court volumes.


Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver

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