It's time for another edition of "Seavers in the News" - a weekly feature from the historical newspapers about persons with the surname Seaver that are interesting, useful, mysterious, fun, macabre, or add information to my family tree database.
This week's entry is from The Press-Tribune [Roseville, Calif.] newspaper dated 6 November 1936:
The transcription of the article is:
"The entire community was shocked yesterday morning to learn of the death of William Herbert Seaver from a heart attack. He awakened shortly before 6 o'clock feeling ill and passed away at 6:45, conscious until the end.
"Mr. Seaver's greatest interest for years has been the Boy Scouts, of which he was commissioner for the Tahoe Area, and almost his last words were about the organization to which he was so devoted.
"Mr. Seaver was born in Newark, New Jersey, December 18, 1871. When he was a boy of about 13, he came to California with his parents. From then on, he made his home in San Francisco and Oakland until he moved to Roseville in 1921.
"For years he was associated with the Union Metallic Cartridge Company in Oakland, then was in the employ of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company. In Placer county he worked at one time as a deputy county assessor.
"One of his hobbies, next to Scouting, was photography and he did a great deal of this work in connection with Boy Scout activities. He was a crack rifle and revolver shot, and won many cups and awards.
"He was an honorary member of the Sons of the Revolution and at the time of his death, was an elder in the First Presbyterian Church. He also belonged to the Knights of Dunamis.
"Mr. Seaver is survived by his wife, Mrs. Myrtle Hellar Seaver. His parents passed away several years ago.
"Remains are at the Broyer Mortuary in this city, where funeral services will be held Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Interment will be in the family plot at Mt. View Cemetery, Oakland, where graveside services will be held at 4 p.m."
The source citation is:
"Heart Attack is Fatal to Scout Official Here," The Press-Tribune [Roseville, Calif.] newspaper, obituary, Friday, 6 November 1936, page 1, column 7, William Herbert Seaver obituary; ( : accessed 2 July 2020).
This obituary provides a death date (implied 5 November 1936), a death place, a birth date, his birth place, his spouse's name, but not his parents names. They apparently had no children.
I had William Herbert Seaver (1871-1936) in my RootsMagic database, but did not have his birth date. He was born 18 December 1871 in Newark, New Jersey, the son of William Albert and Helen Louise (Smith) Seaver. He married Myrtle Viola Heller (1890-1992) in 1916 in Placer County, California.
William Herbert Seaver is my 7th cousin, 3 times removed, with a common ancestor of Robert Seaver (1608-1683).
There are over 9,000 Seaver "stories" in my family tree - and this was one of them. Life happens, accidentally and intentionally, and some people die suddenly. I am glad that I can honor William Herbert Seaver today.
You never know when a descendant or relative will find this blog post and learn something about their ancestors, or will provide more information about them to me.
Disclosure: I have a complimentary subscription to and have used it extensively to find articles about my ancestral and one-name families.
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Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver
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