Here are the highlights of my family history and genealogy related activities over the past week:
1) Presented "Randy's Top 10 Genealogy Search Tips" at the Chula Vista Genealogical Society General Meeting on Wednesday, 24 June, via Zoom with 16 attendees.
2) Participated in Mondays With Myrt today via Zoom. We discussed John's Dutch pauper records, NIGS certificates, the Genetic Affairs DNA third-party tool, the Yonkers NY records from Reclaim the Records, my Richman and Rich tax records for Hilperton, Tony's source citation question, and software source templates.
3) Watched Family Tree Webinar Utilizing the HathiTrust Digital Library for Family History Research by Colleen Robledo Greene.
4) Wrote and posted a biographical sketch of 7th great-grandfather #546 Zechariah Barber (1656-1705) for my 52 Ancestors biographical sketch on Friday.
5) Transcribed the 1717 Bond and Order of Settlement of Estate of Zechariah Barber (1656-1705) of Medfield, Mass. for Amanuensis Monday.
6) Downloaded the DNA Match Chromosome Browser file from FamilyTreeDNA. Ran a Genetic Affairs AutoTree and AutoCluster analysis on my FamilyTreeDNA matches. Analyzed the AncestryDNA results from Genetic Affairs.
7) Added Notes to 20 more AncestryDNA matches with cM values, relationships and known common ancestors. Added three more ThruLines to my RootsMagic tree. Ancestry added 141 new DNA Matches this week. Reviewed new DNA matches on AncestryDNA, MyHeritageDNA, FamilyTreeDNA and 23andMe.
8) There were several sessions working in the RootsMagic software program to match with and update FamilySearch Family Tree profiles for Seaver families and my ancestral families, with occasional additions to the RootsMagic profiles. I have matched 36,389 of my RootsMagic persons with FamilySearch Family Tree profiles (up 165).
9) Used Web Hints and Record Matches from Ancestry, MyHeritage, Findmypast and FamilySearch to add content and sources to my RootsMagic profiles. I now have 58,101 persons in my RootsMagic file (up 111), and 123,251 source citations (up 392). I TreeShared with my Ancestry Member Tree two times this week updating 283 profiles, and I resolved 986 Ancestry Hints. I've fallen behind on the Ancestry Record Hints with 132,009 to be resolved, but I work on them almost daily.
10) Wrote 20 Genea-Musings blog posts last week, of which one was a press release. The most popular post last week was Treasure Chest Thursday -- 1683 Marriage Record of Zacharie Barber and Abiell Ellice in Medfield, Massachusetts with over 301 views.
11) We are still fine here at the Genea-cave, hunkered down and not going out much. I went to the grocery store on Monday and Thursday, and it wasn't too busy. I took Linda to get her hair cut on Sunday. We did not go to church, even though it was open. Other than that, it was stay-at-home on the computer doing genealogy, eating and sleeping, plus reading ebooks on my laptop while watching TV.
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Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver
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Glad you still had some AncestryDNA AutoCluster results from before the cease and desist Randy!
Just had a light bulb moment - since the meetings for the foreseeable future are going to be virtual I can join the Chula Vista Genealogical Society and participate in Zoom meetings. I am sorry I missed Randy's Top 10 Genealogical Research Tips but I can participate in the future from Wernersville, PA. I am looking forward to that. Thanks!!!
EJ - I have not added many AncestryDNA matches above 25 cM (maybe 1 or 2?) since 11 March, so it didn't make much difference. It was fun to see that Genetic Affairs found the same common ancestors that ThruLines did for those above 25 cM.
Since then, I have downloaded GA runs for 23andMe and FTDNA. Thank you!
Thank you for the comment, and the light bulb moment. I had not thought of that, but I will post about it because it's an opportunity to reach others outside of Chula Vista. You're right - I think our CVGS meetings will be virtual until into 2021 now because of the susceptibility of most of our members.
Thank you for being the wise owl here! Now we know where you are - everybody on the Board wondered who you were when Carrie announced the new member.
There is one more benefit - a monthly newsletter in PDF format! If you read Genea-Musings, there is not that much new in the newsletter.
When you come into the Zoom meeting(s), I hope you will tell us about your research, your successes and challenges. I try to get folks to do that every meeting. The Research and DNA meetings are an hour of genealogy news and my research, then the second hour is for attendees to share.
Thank you for commenting and having the light bulb!
All the best -- Randy
Thanks! Glad you got some good results. The AutoCluster also worked without ThruLines, that was the main difference. So excellent for adoptees.
For DTC sites that aren't available via my site I created a new tool:
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