This week's document for transcription is the 1755 deed record for Unis Sever, widow of Sudbury selling Lot number 70 in Narragansett No. 2 to Luke Brown, Gentleman of Worcester, for 20 pounds.
[Worcester County, Mass. Deeds - Volume 36, Page 281]:
The transcription of this deed is (on the right-hand page of the image):
[page 270]
To all People to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting.
Know Ye, That I Unis Sever of Sudbury in y'e County of Middlesex Widow admx of y'e Estate of my
Late Husband Robert Sever late of Narragansett N'o. 2 so called in y'e County of Worcester Husbandman Decd having
obtained Licence from his majestys Superior Court of Judicature &c held at Worcester within and for y'e County of Worcester
on the third Tuesday of Sept. 1754 to sell the whole of the said Deceased Real Estate consisting of about one hundred
and Sixty acres by y'e payment of his Just Debts &c by an order of said Court may more fully appear and having attended the Directions of y'e Law Relating to said Sale do
For and in Consideration of the Sum of Thirty four pounds ten shillings and Eight pence
to me in Hand before the Ensealing hereof, well and truly paid by Ezra Taylor of Southborough in y'e County
of Worcester Gent he being y'e highest bidder at a Publick vendue
the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge,
and my self therewith fully satisfied and contented; and thereof and of every Part
and Parcel thereof, do exonerate, acquit and discharge the said Ezra Taylor
his Heirs, Executors and Administrators,
forever by these Presents; Have given, granted, bargained, sold aliened, conveyed and
confirmed; and by these Presents, Do freely, fully and absolutely give, grant., bargain, sell,
aliene, convey and confirm, unto him the said Ezra Taylor his Heirs and Assigns forever, In my Capacity and by Virtue of s'd
order of Court, part of y'e said Deceased Real Estate Lying in said Narragansett N'o. 2 namely a second
Division Lott Containing Sixty acres be y'e same more or less Laid out to house Lott N'o. Seventy originally
the Right of Dennis Headly and bounded as by y'e proprietors Books if said Narragansett
No. 2 appears, also three acres of meadow adjoyning to said Second division and Laid out
to the Right of said House Lott N'o 70, also a Third Division Lott that is noted to be Laid
out to said house Lott Together with all other Rights or Draughts & Divisions of Land that
may be Laid out in Right of said house Lott.
To have and to Hold the said granted and bargained Premises, with all the
Appurtenances, Privileges and Commodities to the same belonging, or in any wise apper-
taining to him the said Ezra Taylor his
Heirs and Assigns forever. To his and their only proper Use, Benefit and Behoof forever.
And I the said Unis Sever in my said Capacity & by Virtue of s'd Order of Court for
myself my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, do covenant, promise and grant to and with
the said Ezra Taylor his
Heirs and Assigns, that before the Ensealing hereof dec'd was the true sole and lawful Owner of
the above-bargained Premises, and was lawfully seized and possessed of the same in his own
proper Right, as a good perfect and absolute Estate of Inheritance in Fee Simple: And I have in by
Virtue of s'd Order good Right, full Power, and lawful Authority, to grant, bargain, sell, convey
and confirm, said bargained Premises in manner as aforesaid: And that the said Ezra
Taylor his Heirs and Assigns, shall and may
from Time to Time, and at all Times forever hereafter, by Force and Virtue of these Pre-
sents, lawfully, peacably and quietly Have, Hold, Use, Occupy, Possess and Enjoy the said
demised and bargained Premises, with the Appurtenances, free and clear, and freely and
clearly acquitted, exonerated and discharged of, from all and all manner of former or other
Gifts, Grants, Bargains, Sales, Leases, Mortgages, Wills, Entails, Jointures, Dowries
Judgments, Executions, or Incumbrances of what Name of Nature soever, that might in any
Measure or Degree obstruct or make void this present Deed.
Furthermore, I the said Unis Sever in my Capacity for my-self my Heirs,
Executors and Administrators, do Covenant and Engage the above demised Premises to him
the said Ezra Talor his Heirs and
Assigns, against the lawful Claims or Demands of any Person or Persons whatsoever, forever
hereafter to Warrant, secure and Defend by these Presents. In Witness whereof I do in said Capacity & by
Virtue of said order of Court hereunto set my hand & seal this fourth Day of February AD. 1755. her
Signed sealed & Deliv'd Unis + Sever {seal}
In presence of mark
Timo Paine Worcester ss April 7'th 1755
J. Chandler Unis Sever in her Capacity acknowledged this Instrument
to be her act & Deed Coram J. Chandler Just Pac.
April 9'th 1755 Rec'd and Accordingly entred & Exam'd pr J. Chandler Reg'r
The source citation for this land record is:
"Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, FamilySearch ( : accessed 20 November 2021), Worcester County, "Deeds 1754-1756, vol. 35-36," Volume 36, Page 281 (image 540 of 695), deed of Unis Sever to Ezra Taylor, executed 4 February 1755, recorded 9 April 1755; citing original records in County Courthouses, and on FHL Microfilms.
This deed is for Lot number 70 in the second division of Narragansett No. 2, later named as Westminster town, plus two small lots adjacent to the house lot. Robert Sever paid 60 pounds for this lot northwest of Mount Wachusett in central Massachusetts in 1750. Robert Sever died in 1752, and widow Eunice Sever sold the land in this deed to Ezra Taylor of Southborough for 34 pounds, 10 shillings and 8 pence at auction. This land is separate from the land sold to Luke Brown on the same day at auction, but is probably contiguous to that land.
Robert Sever (1702-1752) was the son of Joseph and Mary (Read) Sever of Framingham, Massachusetts. He married Eunice Rayment (1707-1772) on 2 September 1726 in Boston, and they had nine children. Robert and Eunice (Rayment) Sever are my 6th great-grandparents through their son Norman Seaver (1734-1787).
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
Read other transcriptions for records of my ancestors at Amanuensis Monday Posts.
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