I received this from Findmypast today:
Gain unique insights into life in 1920s Britain
with 1921 Census of England and Wales
Official Reports
Discover more about England and Wales in 1921. Explore this unique collection of official census reports including county reports, the full 1921 Census national report as well as the Dictionary of Occupational Terms. This full collection is brought together for the first time on Findmypast.
After every census, the details given by every household to the enumerators are gathered to create the national statistics that go on to inform government and health policies. For decades and even centuries, those reports are used by a variety of individuals and organisations to gain a better understanding of the country at that time. This was the same after the 1921 Census of England and Wales. All the census schedules were gathered by the enumerators and sent to the census headquarters at the converted Lambeth Workhouse. For six years, census clerks calculated not only the national statistics but also the statistical reports for each county.
Every county report and the national report will include reports on the following details:
- Population
- Population growth
- Marital Status
- Orphanhood
- Education
- Occupations (both male and female)
- Industries
- Dependency
- Birthplaces
- Movement of population
- Widows
Along with the statistical reports we have published the books related to the classification and definition of all occupational terms in the 1921 Census. The Dictionary of Occupational Terms was first published in 1927. Every occupation was classified and allocated a code. Those codes appear in green ink on the census schedules. Usually, the code is three digits from 000 to 999 and then followed by a slash and an extra digit. You can link every code to an occupation definition.
The additional digit indicate the following -
- /0 = not employed - in education etc
- /1 = not employed - unpaid domestic duties etc
- /2 = employer - not working at home
- /3 = employer - working at home
- /4 = self-employed (own account) - not working at home
- /5 = self-employed (own account) - working at home
- /6 = employed - not working at home
- /7 = employed - working at home
- /8 = unemployed
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The URL for this post is: https://www.geneamusings.com/2022/01/findmypast-friday-gain-unique-insights.html
Copyright (c) 2022, Randall J. Seaver
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