Here are the highlights of my family history and genealogy related activities over the past week.
1) Hosted and moderated the Chula Vista Genealogical Society DNA Interest Group Meeting on Wednesday on Zoom. We discussed upcoming CVGS events, DNA sales of the major testing companies, Blain's post about Jonny Perl's latest improvement to DNA Painter, details about solving DNA puzzles like Nathan Dylan Goodwin's book, researching Basques, demonstrating AncestryDNAs parents matches, etc.
2) Attended the Whittier Area Genealogical Society (WAGS) program meeting on Saturday with speaker Diane Henriks on "It's All in the Clues."
3) Published a genealogy sketch for the 52 Ancestors series for 7th great-grandmother #727 Mary (--?--) Hawkins (1683- ????) of Providence, Rhode Island.
4) Transcribed a probate record for 1853 Administratrix Petition for the estate of James M. Seaver of Sterling, Massachusetts for Amanuensis Monday.
5) Tried out the new MyHeritage AI Time Machine tool and saved most of the available options to the computer, and added some of them to Facebook. See Some of My MyHeritage AI Time Machine Images.
6) Added a number of Web Links to my 52 Ancestor's posts on ancestor profiles on There are many more to do! This is one way to get stories out for cousins to find and they have my name on them.
7) Started adding photographs and document images to my ancestral profiles on FamilySearch Family Tree. Got through profiles from my parents to the 2nd great-grandparents profiles and there are many more to do.
8) AncestryDNA now has 41,302 DNA matches (up 25 from 14 November) for me today, with no new ThruLines. Added Notes to 5 of them, and added no lines to RootsMagic. MyHeritageDNA now has 10,858 DNA matches (up 19 from 14 November) for me, with no new Theories. Reviewed the new DNA matches on AncestryDNA, MyHeritageDNA, FamilyTreeDNA and 23andMe.
10) Used Web Hints and Record Matches from Ancestry, MyHeritage, Findmypast and FamilySearch to add content and source citations to my RootsMagic profiles. I now have 70,101 persons in my RootsMagic file (up 0 since 14 November), and 145,442 source citations (up 5). I TreeShared 76 new or modified profiles with my Ancestry Member Tree, and I resolved 317 Ancestry Hints. My Ancestry Member Tree has Ancestry Record Hints with 175,857 to be resolved, but I work on them several times a week. My MyHeritage family trees have 162,523 Record Matches in 286 sources and I work on them occasionally.
11( Wrote 16 Genea-Musings blog posts last week (Sunday through Saturday), of which two were a press release. The most viewed post last week was Genealogy Education Bytes - 10 to 16 November 2022 with over 252 views. Genea-Musings had about 23,900 views last week.
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Wow, that certainly was quite a bit you have done in just 1 week! Holy moly! ;)
I did not know you attended the WAGS meeting for my presentation! Was it in person or virtually? I'd love your can privately message me on FB oremail me. ;)
I spent 3 days creating AI Time Machine images; with every theme; writing up a major blog postfor it; and uploading many, many images to it! MyHeritage just announced 17 new ones, today! Yours turned out great! I also shared mine via FB! Fun, fun,fun! :)
Hi Diane,
I attend WAGS virtually. I've done 3-4 talks in-person for them before COVID.
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