I received this information from Findmypast today:
Thousands more records for North West England this Findmypast Friday
Cumberland Baptisms
The 65,252 new records are perfect building blocks for your family tree. Spanning over four centuries, they may help you find an ancestor’s name, baptism date and place, and a father’s name. Some also include a mother’s name, addresses and occupations.
Cumberland Marriages
For marriages, there are 68,211 new records to explore, covering 1547 to 1975. They will typically include both spouses’ names, ages and addresses, plus the place and date of the marriage, and the names of their fathers.
Cumberland Burials
Finally, there are 62,746 new burials to delve into, covering 1566 to 1992. You may find an ancestor’s name, burial date and place, and often their residence.
Did your ancestors make the news? One new title, updates to a further six, and 152,092 new pages make up this week’s newspaper release.
New titles:
- Carrick Times and East Antrim Times, 1987, 1989, 1991-1999
- Edinburgh Evening News, 1946, 1982, 1992
- Larne Times, 1985-1986, 1988, 1991, 1994, 1996, 1998-1999
- Lurgan Mail, 1990-1991
- Mid-Ulster Mail, 1991-1993, 1995, 1999
- South Wales Daily Post, 1999
- Ulster Star, 1984-1987, 1989-1999
Disclosure: I have a complimentary subscription to Findmypast, and have accepted meals and services from Findmypast, as a Findmypast Ambassador. This has not affected my objectivity relative to Findmypast and its products.
The URL for this post is: https://www.geneamusings.com/2023/11/findmypast-friday-cumberland-parish.html
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