Monday, June 17, 2024

Amanuensis Monday -- 1822 Deed of Jonathan and Polly Allen to Thomas Partridge in Ashtabula County, Ohio

This week's document for transcription is the 1822 land deed of Jonathan and Polly Allen of Ashtabula County, Ohio to Thomas Partridge in the Ashtabula County, Ohio deed records.

*  Ashtabula County, Ohio Deeds, 1819-1824, image 238 of 369:

*  Ashtabula County, Ohio Deeds, 1819-1824, image 239 of 369:

The transcription of this document is:

Jonathan Allen's deed to Thomas Partridge.

To all people to whom these presents shall come, Greeting.  Know ye that
we Jonathan Allen & Polly Allen his wife of Wayne in County of Ashtabula
State of Ohio for the consideration of one thousand dollars received to
our full satisfaction of Thomas Partridge of Wayne aforesaid do give grant
bargain sell & confirm unto the said Thomas Partridge a certain tract or parcel
of land lying & being in the township of Wayne formerly called Somers in the
Cpunty & State aforesaid being No. eight in the second range of townships vix. one hun-
dred and fifty four acres & fifteen hundredths on the east side of lot number ninety nine extend-
ing west so far as to make & include forty five acres & 85/100 with the west line par-
allel to the west line of sd lot No ninety eight said tract or parcel of land above
described containing including of highways two hundred acres.  To have & to
hold the above granted & bargained premises with the appurtenances the re-
to unto him the said Thomas Partridge his heirs & assigns forever to his & their own pro-
per use & behoof & also I the said Jonathan Allen do for myself my heirs ex-
ecutors & administrators covenant with the said Thos Partridge his heirs &
assigns that at & until the ensealing of these presents I was well seized of
the premises as a good indefeasible estate in fee simple & have good right
to bargain & sell the same in manner & form as is above written & that the same
is free from all incumbrances whatsoever & furthermore I the said Jona-
than Allen do by these presents bind myself my heirs forever to warrant &
defend the above granted & bargained premises to him the said Thomas
Partridge his heirs & assigns against all lawful claims & demands whatsoever
& the said Polly Allen do here remis release & forever quitclaim unto the said
Thomas Partridge his heirs & assigns all my right & title of dower in & to the above
described premises.  In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands
& seals the twelfth day of December one thousand eight hundred & twenty
two signed sealed & delivered in presence of  }     Jonathan Allen {seal}
Warham Parsons            Luther Thwing       }     Polly Allen  {seal}

The State of Ohio   }    Personally appeared Jonathan Allen & Polly Allen his
Geauga County       }    wife signers & sealers of the within instrument to me per-
sonally known & the said Polly Allen having been examined separate & apart
LS from her said husband & the contents by me fully explained & maid known
they severally acknowledge the same to be their full act & deed before me.
Given under my hand & seal this twelfth day of Dec'r A.D. 1822.
                                                                           Warham Parsons  Justice Peace
Entered May 5 and Recorded May 26, 1823L. Jones Recorder.

The source citation for this deed is:

Ashtabula County, Ohio Land Records, Deed of Jonathan and Polly Allen to Thomas Partridge, dated 12 December 1822, recorded 26 May 1823; imaged, "Ashtabula, Ohio United States Records," FamilySearch ( : June 1, 2024), "Deeds 1819-1824," page 423-424, images 238-9 of 369; Original records at Erie County, New York Court House.

This deed record is a Derivative Source (because it is a court clerk's handwritten record in a bound book), Primary Information and Direct Evidence of the sale of land in Wayne township in Ashtabula County, Ohio by Jonathan and Polly Allen to Thomas Partridge on 22 December 1822.

Thomas Partridge (1758-1828) was born 15 December 1758 in Guilford, Windham County, Vermont, the son of Jasper and Mary (Rice) Partridge. He died 1 October 1828 in Gustavus Township, Trumbull County, Ohio. Thomas married Hannah Wakeman (1763-1814) on 2 October 1785 in New York. Hannah was born 6 February 1763 in Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut, the daughter of George and Sarah (Hill) Wakeman, and died 28 March 1814 in Wayne Township, Ashtabula County, Ohio.  They had 11 children.  Thomas Partridge married Katharine Pelton (1765-1832) on 12 February 1822 in Ashtabula County, Ohio.  They had no children.

Thomas and Hannah (Wakeman) Partridge are my 5th great-grandparents, through their daughter Mary Partridge (1792-1855) who married Cornelius Feather (1777-1853) in about 1804.

NOTE: I found this land record using the FamilySearch Full-Text Search, and used the AI transcribed text as the basis for the transcription of the document. Extensive editing of the AI transcribed text was necessary in places, and sections of this deed were not transcribed at all. I crafted the source citation using Evidence Explained 4th Edition standards rather than using the source citation provided by the Full-Text Search engine.


NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"

"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."

Read other transcriptions of records of my ancestors at Amanuensis Monday Posts.

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