Thursday, June 20, 2024

Randy's Cousins -- 8th Cousins 1x Removed - Amelia Earhart, the Famed Female Aviator

This week's famous cousins is my 8th cousins 1x removed Amelia Earhart (1897-1937), the famous female aviator.

Here is Amelia Earhart's Family Search Family Tree short biography:

Amelia Mary Earhart (born July 24, 1897; disappeared July 2, 1937) was an American aviation pioneer and author. Earhart was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. She set many other records, wrote best-selling books about her flying experiences, and was instrumental in the formation of The Ninety-Nines, an organization for female pilots. Born in Atchison, Kansas, Earhart developed a passion for adventure at a young age, steadily gaining flying experience from her twenties. In 1928, Earhart became the first female passenger to cross the Atlantic by airplane (accompanying pilot Wilmer Stultz), for which she achieved celebrity status. In 1932, piloting a Lockheed Vega 5B, Earhart made a nonstop solo transatlantic flight, becoming the first woman to achieve such a feat. She received the United States Distinguished Flying Cross for this accomplishment. In 1935, Earhart became a visiting faculty member at Purdue University as an advisor to aeronautical engineering and a career counselor to women students. She was also a member of the National Woman's Party and an early supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment. During an attempt to make a circumnavigational flight of the globe in 1937 in a Purdue-funded Lockheed Model 10-E Electra, Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan disappeared over the central Pacific Ocean near Howland Island.

The Wikipedia profile for the Amelia Earhart is here. 

Here is the Relative Finder chart showing my relationship to Amelia Earhart is:

My most recent common ancestors with 8th cousin 1x removed cousin Amelia Earhart are my 10th  great-grandparents John Browne (1628-1706) and Mary Holmes (1632-1690).

Are you related to the Amelia Earhart?  Check out Amelia's profile on the FamilySearch Family Tree and click the "View Relationship" link at the top of the page.  Note that you have to have your profile connected to the FamilySearch Family Tree in order for this to work.

This shows that you never know to whom you might be related!!!  I'm having lots of Genealogy Fun.  Click here to see all of my famous cousins.


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