In the main body of the mortgage indenture (pages 858-861):
[page 512]
No. 80422
This Indenture made ( in du-
plicate ) the seventh day of April one thousand eight hun-
dred and ninety two in pursuance of the act respecting
Short Forms of Conveyances :
Between Alexander Sovereen of the Township of
Windham , in the County of Norfolk , and Province of On-
tario , Farmer , of the first part , Elizabeth Sovereen wife
of the said party of the first part of the second part ,
and Frederick H. Crabb of the City of London , in the
County of Middlesex , in the Province of Ontario Com-
mercial Traveller - of the third part ;
Witnesseth , that in consideration of three thousand
seven hundred dollars of lawful money of Canada , now
paid by the said party of the third part , to the said party
of the first part , ( the receipt whereof is hereby by him ac-
knowledged , he the said party of the first part doth Grant
unto the said party of the third part , his heirs and as-
signs forever in fee simple:
All and Singular those certain parcels or
tracts of land and premises , situate lying and being in
the Township of Windham , in the County of Norfolk ,
containing eighty nine and one half acres of land ,
more or less , being composed of the Southerly and
great North Westerly part of the South Half of Lot Num'
ber Twenty Two in the eleventh Concession of said Town-
ship of Windham , containing seventy six and one half
[page 513]
acres more or less , and also of the Westerly part of the Central
part of Lot Number Twenty one in the said eleventh concession
of said Township of Windham containing thirteen acres more or
less , which several mentioned parcels of land are collectively
bounded as follows , that is to say : Commencing on the al-
lowance for road in rear of said eleventh concession at a stone
set twelve chains and twenty links easterly from the South west
angle of said Lot number twenty two , thence north fifteen degrees
and forty minutes west ten chains and seventy seven and one
half links to a stone planted . Thence South seventy eight de-
grees thirty minutes west twelve chains twenty links to the
Westerly limit of said Lot . Thence north fifteen degrees forty
minutes West twenty two chains ninety two and one half links
more or less to the limit between the North and south halves
of said Lot number Twenty Two , thence north seventy eight
degrees thirty minutes east twenty nine chains eighty links
more or less , to the easterly limit of said Lot , thence north
fifteen degrees forty minutes west fifteen chains twenty links
more or less to the south west angle of the North fifty acres
of said Lot number Twenty One . Thence North seventy eight
degrees thirty minutes east to the Westerly limit of the travelled
road across said Lot thence south about seven seven degrees
west along the Westerly boundary of said travelled road to the
allowance for road in rear of said concession and thence
bounding thereon south seventy eight degrees thirty minutes
West nine chains thirty seven links more or less to the
place of beginning - Excepting from said parcels of land the
School site of one half acre as registered in number 7413 -
To have and to hold unto the said party of the
third part his heirs and assigns to and for his and their
sole and only use for ever Subject nevertheless , to the reser-
vations , limitations , provisoes , and conditions expressed in
the original Grant thereof from the Crown .
The said party of the first part covenants with the
said party of the third part that he hath the right to convey
the said lands to the said party of the third part notwith-
standing any act of the said party of the first part .
And that the said party of the third part shall have quiet
.possession of the said lands , free from all incumbrances.
And the said party of the first part covenants with
the said party of the third part that he will execute such
further assurances of the said lands as may be requisite .
And the said party of the first part covenants with the
said party of the third part that he hath done no act to
encumber the said lands . And the said party of the first-
[Page 514]
part releases to the said party of the third part all his
claims upon the said lands.
And the said Elizabeth Sovereen wife of the said
party of the first part hereby bars her dower in the said lands .
In witness whereof the said parties hereto have here-
unto set their hands and seals .
Signed , sealed and delivered in the } sgd. A. Sovereen [seal]
presence of sgd. Walter Turnbull } sgd. Elizabeth Sovereen [seal]
County of Norfolk } I , Walter Turnbull of the Village of
to wit } Delhi in the County of Norfolk Esquire
make oath and say 1 . That I was personally present ,
and did see the within Instrument and Duplicate thereof
duly signed , sealed and executed by Elizabeth Sovereen
and A. Sovereen two of the parties thereto . 2 . That the said In-
strument and Duplicate were executed at the Village of
Delhi in the County of Norfolk , 3 , That I know the said par-
ties . 4 . That I am a subscribing witness to the said In-
strument and Duplicate .
Sworn before me at the Village of }
Delhi in the County of Norfolk this } sgd. Walter Turnbull
second day of January in the year }
of our Lord 1893
sgd. James Whitside
A Commissioner for taking affidavits in H. C. J., &c.
The source citation for this land deed is:
Norfolk County (Ontario) Registrar of Deeds, #80,422, deed of Alexander Sovereen and Elizabeth Sovereen to Frederick H. Crabb, dated 7 April 1892, registered 7 July 1893; imaged, "Norfolk Land Records, 1892-1894," FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 September 2024), pages 512-514, images 284-285 of 483; original records in Norfolk County (Ontario) Registrar of Deeds, Simcoe, Ontario, microfilmed and imaged by FamilySearch.
This is a Derivative Source (because it is a court clerk's transcription of the original deed with Primary Information and Direct Evidence of the names of the grantor and grantee, the land involved, and the dates of the deed execution and recording.
Frederick H. Crabb was the husband of Sarah Adelaide Crabb, who was the daughter of Alexander and Eliza Sovereen. In an earlier deed, she assumed the mortgage from her parents and permitted her parents to live on this land for their natural lives. In this deed, Alexander and Eliza sold the land to Frederick H. Crabb for $3,700.
Alexander Sovereen (1814-1907) was born 22 November 1814 in Middleton township, Norfolk county, Ontario, the son of Frederick and Mary Jane (Hutchison) Sovereen. He died 15 August 1907 in Windham township, Norfolk county, Ontario. Alexander married Elizabeth Putman (1820-1895) on 3 March 1840 in Norfolk county, Ontario. She was the daughter of John Pieterse and Sarah (Martin) Putman. They had 14 children.
Alexander and Elizabeth (Putman) Sovereen are my 3rd great-grandparents. I am descended through their daughter Mary Jane Sovereen (1840-1874), who married James Abraham Kemp (1831-1902) in 1861.
Copyright (c) 2025, Randall J. Seaver
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