Each week, genealogy record collections are added and updated to FamilySearch and listed on the Historical Record Collection list at https://familysearch.org/search/collection/list.
As of 24 January 2025, there are 3,415 historical record collections on FamilySearch (a decrease of 2 from last week):
The added, deleted, new and updated collections this week from FamilySearch are:
--- Collections Deleted ---
California, Oakland, Coroner Records, 1926-1994 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Norway, Akershus, Aker, Census, 1921 (https://familysearch.org/sear
--- Collections Added ---
--- Collections Updated ---
Alaska, Vital Records, 1816-2005 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Argentina, Catamarca, Civil Registration, 1888-2001 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Argentina, Cemetery Records, 1833-2020 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Argentina, Santiago del Estero, Catholic Church Records, 1581-1961 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Belgium, Antwerp, Civil Registration, 1588-1953 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Belgium, Brabant, Civil Registration, 1582-1950 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1482191); 303,525 indexed records with 6,411,594 record images (was 303,557 records with 6,411,594 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Belgium, Namur, Civil Registration, 1800-1912 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2138511); 930,921 indexed records with 372,768 record images (was 930,616 records with 372,768 images), UPDATED 31-Jan-2025
Bolivia, Catholic Church Records, 1566-2020 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1922463); 9,644,567 indexed records with 1,649,601 record images (was 9,621,369 records with 1,649,601 images), UPDATED 31-Jan-2025
Brazil, Cemetery Records, 1799-2024 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2137269); 1,352,650 indexed records with 150,972 record images (was 1,316,144 records with 150,972 images), UPDATED 31-Jan-2025
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Civil Registration, 1820-2021 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/3479702); 969,565 indexed records with 403,323 record images (was 968,714 records with 402,855 images), UPDATED 31-Jan-2025
Belgium, Namur, Civil Registration, 1800-1912 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Bolivia, Catholic Church Records, 1566-2020 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Brazil, Cemetery Records, 1799-2024 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Civil Registration, 1820-2021 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Brazil, Paraná, Civil Registration, 1852-2017 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2016194); 3,196,980 indexed records with 1,689,031 record images (was 3,197,274 records with 1,689,031 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Brazil, Pará, Civil Registration, 1815-2013 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/4473609); 633,462 indexed records with 183,157 record images (was 632,353 records with 182,826 images), UPDATED 31-Jan-2025
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Civil Registration, 1810-2022 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3741255); 1,845,371 indexed records with 933,482 record images (was 1,845,132 records with 933,357 images), UPDATED 30-Jan-2025
Brazil, São Paulo, Civil Registration, 1925-2023 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2765317); 17,988,351 indexed records with 21,090,537 record images (was 20,824,630 records with 21,090,537 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Canada, Quebec, Notarial Records, 1800-1920 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1471015); Browse 4,956,093 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 4,956,093 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Brazil, Pará, Civil Registration, 1815-2013 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Civil Registration, 1810-2022 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Brazil, São Paulo, Civil Registration, 1925-2023 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Canada, Quebec, Notarial Records, 1800-1920 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Chile, Cemetery Records, 1701-2021 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1428897); 5,678,336 indexed records with 3,675,058 record images (was 5,514,508 records with 3,675,058 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Colombia, Censuses, 1777-1967 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/5000123); 311,377 indexed records with 29,645 record images (was 257,442 records with 26,527 images), UPDATED 30-Jan-2025
Colombia, Civil Registration, 1553-2023 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4469480); 769,328 indexed records with 893,240 record images (was 769,682 records with 893,240 images), UPDATED 27-Jan-2025
Czech Republic, Censuses and Inhabitant Registers, 1800-1990 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1930345); 2,316 indexed records with 4,916,932 record images (was 0 records with 4,916,932 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Czech Republic, Church Books, 1552-1981 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1804263); 11,711,390 indexed records with 4,668,489 record images (was 11,817,063 records with 4,668,489 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Colombia, Censuses, 1777-1967 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Colombia, Civil Registration, 1553-2023 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Czech Republic, Censuses and Inhabitant Registers, 1800-1990 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Czech Republic, Church Books, 1552-1981 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Census, 1984 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3288450); 27,138,568 indexed records with 5,391,189 record images (was 27,164,416 records with 5,221,534 images), UPDATED 30-Jan-2025
El Salvador, Catholic Church Records, 1655-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1919582); 2,887,288 indexed records with 592,191 record images (was 2,832,174 records with 592,191 images), UPDATED 31-Jan-2025
England Marriages, 1538–1973 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1473015); Index only (11,774,857 records), no images (was 11,681,177 records with 0 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
England, Bedfordshire, Parish Registers, 1538-1983 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2836129); 376,993 indexed records with 30,420 record images (was 371,548 records with 30,420 images), UPDATED 27-Jan-2025
England, Births and Christenings, 1538-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1473014); Index only (45,633,928 records), no images (was 45,192,031 records with 0 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
El Salvador, Catholic Church Records, 1655-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sear
England Marriages, 1538–1973 (https://familysearch.org/sear
England, Bedfordshire, Parish Registers, 1538-1983 (https://familysearch.org/sear
England, Births and Christenings, 1538-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sea
England, Bristol, Parish Registers, 1538-1900 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1718965); Index only (721,531 records), no images (was 724,808 records with 0 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
England, Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1473016); Index only (14,511,339 records), no images (was 14,493,864 records with 0 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
England, Devon, Parish Registers (Devon Record Office), 1529-1974 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2345213); 2,878,711 indexed records with 181,312 record images (was 3,333,407 records with 181,312 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
England, Devon, Parish Registers, 1538-1971 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1804330); 1,053,335 indexed records with 153,166 record images (was 1,061,660 records with 153,166 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
England, Essex, Parish Registers, 1538-1997 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1465709); Index only (2,746,297 records), no images (was 2,741,926 records with 0 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
England, Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991 (https://familysearch.org/sear
England, Devon, Parish Registers (Devon Record Office), 1529-1974 (https://familysearch.org/sea
England, Devon, Parish Registers, 1538-1971 (https://familysearch.org/sea
England, Essex, Parish Registers, 1538-1997 (https://familysearch.org/sea
England, Manchester, Miscellaneous Records, 1700-1916 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2075052); 10,603,373 indexed records with 15,918,751 record images (was 10,536,245 records with 15,918,751 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
England, Manchester, Parish Registers, 1603-1954 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1788853); 1,782,418 indexed records with 248,202 record images (was 1,772,265 records with 248,202 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
France, Vendée, Parish and Civil Registration, 1508-1894 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/5000367); 1,561,056 indexed records with 360,120 record images (was 1,380,162 records with 293,489 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
France, Vosges, Parish and Civil Registration, 1522-1956 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/5000301); 2,984,513 indexed records with 806,625 record images (was 2,982,011 records with 748,398 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Georgia, Military Discharge Records, ca.1864 - ca.1967 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4113736); 172,667 indexed records with 108,426 record images (was 172,667 records with 102,101 images), UPDATED 30-Jan-2025
England, Manchester, Parish Registers, 1603-1954 (https://familysearch.org/sear
France, Vendée, Parish and Civil Registration, 1508-1894 (https://familysearch.org/sear
France, Vosges, Parish and Civil Registration, 1522-1956 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Georgia, Military Discharge Records, ca.1864 - ca.1967 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Wuppertal, Civil Registration, 1810-1930 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/5000010); 259,168 indexed records with 241,398 record images (was 257,573 records with 240,057 images), UPDATED 31-Jan-2025
Ghana, Census, 2010 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/5000267); 380,319 indexed records with 94,593 record images (was 380,319 records with 94,593 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Guadeloupe, Civil Registration Records, 1792-1872 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/4293709); 6,840 indexed records with 2,057 record images (was 5,895 records with 1,760 images), UPDATED 31-Jan-2025
Guatemala, Guatemala, Civil Registration, 1874-2008 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2075150); 4,634,866 indexed records with 1,486 record images (was 4,632,074 records with 1,486 images), UPDATED 31-Jan-2025
Haiti, Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince, Catholic Church Records, 1866-2017 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4279947); 159,199 indexed records with 28,184 record images (was 154,405 records with 29,271 images), UPDATED 31-Jan-2025
Ghana, Census, 2010 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Guadeloupe, Civil Registration Records, 1792-1872 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Guatemala, Guatemala, Civil Registration, 1874-2008 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Haiti, Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince, Catholic Church Records, 1866-2017 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Honduras, Catholic Church Records, 1633-1978 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1823595); 1,870,095 indexed records with 425,330 record images (was 1,861,556 records with 425,330 images), UPDATED 31-Jan-2025
Illinois, District and Circuit Court Naturalization Records, 1856-1991 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3158878); 1,645,225 indexed records with 1,239,237 record images (was 1,377,669 records with 1,239,291 images), UPDATED 30-Jan-2025
Indonesia, Jawa Tengah, Banjarnegara, Naturalization Records, 1960-2012 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2040544); Browse 188,777 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 188,777 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Iowa, Births and Stillbirths, 1921-1947 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2849548); 783,563 indexed records with 781,403 record images (was 754,152 records with 781,403 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Iowa, Death Records, 1904-1951 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2531337); 2,227,956 indexed records with 475,273 record images (was 2,942,110 records with 475,273 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Illinois, District and Circuit Court Naturalization Records, 1856-1991 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Indonesia, Jawa Tengah, Banjarnegara, Naturalization Records, 1960-2012 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Iowa, Births and Stillbirths, 1921-1947 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Iowa, Death Records, 1904-1951 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Iowa, Marriage Records, 1941-1951 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/4127799); 55,295 indexed records with 249,088 record images (was 68,446 records with 249,088 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Iowa, World War I Bonus Applications, 1922-1954 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/5000051); 116,641 indexed records with 114,377 record images (was 115,728 records with 114,377 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1740-1900 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2820100); 8,313,189 indexed records with 288,997 record images (was 8,290,964 records with 293,101 images), UPDATED 31-Jan-2025
Ireland, Poverty Relief Funds, 1810-1887 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3499247); 690,232 indexed records with 42,887 record images (was 691,210 records with 42,887 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Italy, Alessandria, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1800-1865 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2197595); 7,387 indexed records with 8,712 record images (was 9,554 records with 8,712 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Iowa, World War I Bonus Applications, 1922-1954 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1740-1900 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Ireland, Poverty Relief Funds, 1810-1887 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Italy, Alessandria, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1800-1865 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Italy, Arezzo, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1314-1934 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2146184); Browse 68,721 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 68,721 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Italy, Asti, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1803-1814, 1911-1935 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2146198); 60,441 indexed records with 279,461 record images (was 60,441 records with 279,461 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Italy, Avellino, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1809-1947 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2484771); 144,578 indexed records with 3,099,458 record images (was 144,578 records with 3,099,458 images), UPDATED 30-Jan-2025
Italy, Bergamo, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1866-1903 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1986789); 656,852 indexed records with 2,514,754 record images (was 656,852 records with 2,514,754 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Italy, Brescia, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1797-1943 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2158242); 305,720 indexed records with 620,801 record images (was 305,721 records with 620,801 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Italy, Asti, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1803-1814, 1911-1935 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Italy, Avellino, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1809-1947 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Italy, Bergamo, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1866-1903 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Italy, Brescia, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1797-1943 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Italy, Cagliari, Cagliari, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1934 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2043426); 70,887 indexed records with 1,791,108 record images (was 64,332 records with 1,791,108 images), UPDATED 27-Jan-2025
Italy, Chieti, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1809-1931 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2419833); 328,757 indexed records with 3,714,370 record images (was 350,311 records with 3,714,370 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Italy, Cremona, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1744-1942 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1987747); 611,860 indexed records with 1,325,362 record images (was 612,021 records with 1,325,362 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Italy, Cuneo, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1795-1915 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1392991); 19,775 indexed records with 267,978 record images (was 19,775 records with 267,978 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Italy, Enna, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1866-1944 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2068343); 240,184 indexed records with 837,356 record images (was 240,184 records with 837,356 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Italy, Chieti, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1809-1931 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Italy, Cremona, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1744-1942 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Italy, Cuneo, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1795-1915 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Italy, Enna, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1866-1944 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Italy, Forlì-Cesena, Forlì, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1800-1815, 1866-1930 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2068333); 139,112 indexed records with 2,090,185 record images (was 139,112 records with 2,090,185 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Italy, Genova, Chiavari, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1941 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1482818); 53,928 indexed records with 650,745 record images (was 49,496 records with 650,745 images), UPDATED 27-Jan-2025
Italy, Grosseto, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1866-1942 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2015751); 113,835 indexed records with 393,814 record images (was 113,845 records with 393,814 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Italy, Imperia, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1785-1904 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2068337); 47,058 indexed records with 277,811 record images (was 47,058 records with 277,811 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Italy, Latina, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1867-1946 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2684446); Browse 144,647 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 144,647 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Italy, Genova, Chiavari, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1941 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Italy, Grosseto, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1866-1942 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Italy, Imperia, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1785-1904 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Italy, Latina, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1867-1946 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Italy, Macerata, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1808-1814 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2152678); 26,797 indexed records with 93,143 record images (was 26,840 records with 93,143 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Italy, Mantova, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1496-1906 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1934580); 377,208 indexed records with 855,316 record images (was 377,208 records with 855,316 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Italy, Oristano, Oristano, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1941 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1947719); 132,382 indexed records with 342,194 record images (was 132,305 records with 342,194 images), UPDATED 25-Jan-2025
Italy, Padova, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1621-1936 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2120751); 43,158 indexed records with 601,344 record images (was 43,158 records with 601,344 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Italy, Pesaro e Urbino, Urbino, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1866-1942 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1977027); 210,047 indexed records with 709,381 record images (was 210,062 records with 709,381 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Italy, Mantova, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1496-1906 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Italy, Oristano, Oristano, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1941 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Italy, Padova, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1621-1936 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Italy, Pesaro e Urbino, Urbino, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1866-1942 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Italy, Pescara, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1809-1929 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2013532); 441,553 indexed records with 2,022,109 record images (was 441,553 records with 2,022,109 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Italy, Rieti, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1840-1945 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2146202); 136,350 indexed records with 448,819 record images (was 136,350 records with 448,819 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Italy, Roma, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1863-1930 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2390532); 276,279 indexed records with 5,066,067 record images (was 276,279 records with 5,066,067 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Italy, Savona, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1806-1813, 1838-1936 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2016218); 155,757 indexed records with 1,279,025 record images (was 155,813 records with 1,279,025 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Italy, Trapani, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1906-1928 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2052404); 286,289 indexed records with 1,371,292 record images (was 240,566 records with 1,371,292 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Italy, Rieti, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1840-1945 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Italy, Roma, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1863-1930 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Italy, Savona, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1806-1813, 1838-1936 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Italy, Trapani, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1906-1928 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Italy, Treviso, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1806-1815 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1928857); Browse 300,678 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 300,678 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Italy, Treviso, Treviso, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1871-1941 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1947831); 58,006 indexed records with 427,232 record images (was 57,979 records with 427,232 images), UPDATED 24-Jan-2025
Italy, Trieste, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1924-1944 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2684447); Browse 118,496 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 118,496 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Italy, Udine, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1806-1815, 1871-1911 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1939238); 503,200 indexed records with 1,262,279 record images (was 503,203 records with 1,262,279 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Italy, Venezia, Venezia, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1871-1930 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2043809); 449,279 indexed records with 628,744 record images (was 462,056 records with 628,744 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Italy, Treviso, Treviso, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1871-1941 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Italy, Trieste, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1924-1944 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Italy, Udine, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1806-1815, 1871-1911 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Italy, Venezia, Venezia, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1871-1930 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Italy, Verona, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1630-1946 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2016225); Browse 2,976,910 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 2,976,910 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Italy, Vicenza, Bassano del Grappa, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1871-1942 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2141952); 186,389 indexed records with 1,637,660 record images (was 186,697 records with 1,637,660 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Italy, Viterbo, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1870-1943 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2016212); 90,219 indexed records with 936,472 record images (was 90,219 records with 936,472 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Kansas, Military Discharges, ca. 1862 - ca. 1999 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4121697); 21,104 indexed records with 16,346 record images (was 21,104 records with 16,363 images), UPDATED 30-Jan-2025
Kiribati, Vital Records, 1890-1991 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3756784); 168,495 indexed records with 25,089 record images (was 168,381 records with 22,943 images), UPDATED 30-Jan-2025
Italy, Vicenza, Bassano del Grappa, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1871-1942 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Italy, Viterbo, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1870-1943 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Kansas, Military Discharges, ca. 1862 - ca. 1999 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Kiribati, Vital Records, 1890-1991 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Korea, Civil Service Examinations and Records of Officials and Employees, 1390-1900 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2316009); Browse 4,860 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 4,860 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Korea, Collection of Genealogies, 1200-2014 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1398522); Browse 2,519,576 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 2,519,576 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Korea, Encyclopedias and Dictionaries, 1500-2000 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2556015); Browse 4,798 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 4,798 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Korea, Local History, 655-1935 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2556017); Browse 2,303 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 2,303 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Martinique, Church Records, 1662-1847 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/4316497); 17,789 indexed records with 3,132 record images (was 17,152 records with 2,339 images), UPDATED 31-Jan-2025
Korea, Collection of Genealogies, 1200-2014 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Korea, Encyclopedias and Dictionaries, 1500-2000 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Korea, Local History, 655-1935 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Martinique, Church Records, 1662-1847 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Martinique, Civil Registration Records, 1766-1874 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/4316501); 10,641 indexed records with 3,180 record images (was 10,268 records with 3,033 images), UPDATED 31-Jan-2025
Mexico, Baptisms, 1560-1950 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1473011); Index only (30,382,545 records), no images (was 30,382,196 records with 0 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Mexico, Marriages, 1570-1950 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1473012); Index only (5,529,757 records), no images (was 5,529,451 records with 0 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Mexico, Michoacán, Catholic Church Records, 1555-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1883388); 6,249,948 indexed records with 5,283,986 record images (was 6,220,722 records with 5,283,986 images), UPDATED 30-Jan-2025
Mexico, Sonora, Catholic Church Records, 1657-1994 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1473203); 881,230 indexed records with 383,518 record images (was 881,230 records with 383,518 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Mexico, Baptisms, 1560-1950 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Mexico, Marriages, 1570-1950 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Mexico, Michoacán, Catholic Church Records, 1555-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Mexico, Sonora, Catholic Church Records, 1657-1994 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Mississippi, Military Discharge Records, 1917-1974 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4474057); 17,278 indexed records with 12,492 record images (was 3,875 records with 2,831 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Missouri, Military Discharge Records, 1862-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4159751); 1,928 indexed records with 707 record images (was 1,928 records with 626 images), UPDATED 30-Jan-2025
New Mexico, Military Discharge Records, ca.1918 - ca.1989 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/4233366); 588 indexed records with 797 record images (was 587 records with 587 images), UPDATED 30-Jan-2025
New Mexico, Naturalization Records, 1882-1983 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2187007); 27,042 indexed records with 29,163 record images (was 27,104 records with 29,163 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
New York, Birth Indexes outside of New York City, 1881-1942 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/4460198); 59,306 indexed records with 78,929 record images (was 2,739,181 records with 78,929 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Missouri, Military Discharge Records, 1862-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sear
New Mexico, Military Discharge Records, ca.1918 - ca.1989 (https://familysearch.org/sea
New Mexico, Naturalization Records, 1882-1983 (https://familysearch.org/sea
New York, Birth Indexes outside of New York City, 1881-1942 (https://familysearch.org/sea
New York, County Naturalization Records, 1791-1980 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1999177); 3,238,427 indexed records with 3,080,948 record images (was 3,239,090 records with 3,080,948 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Nicaragua, Civil Registration, 1809-2014 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1601210); 2,655,067 indexed records with 2,591,542 record images (was 2,656,495 records with 2,591,542 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Norway, Oslo Census, 1901 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2474129); 148,883 indexed records with 9,119 record images (was 224,779 records with 10,106 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Oklahoma, Military Discharge Records, 1898-1993 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4166192); 14,009 indexed records with 13,748 record images (was 13,992 records with 3,145 images), UPDATED 30-Jan-2025
Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1992 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1926701); 10,122,568 indexed records with 3,007,818 record images (was 10,119,563 records with 3,007,818 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Nicaragua, Civil Registration, 1809-2014 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Norway, Oslo Census, 1901 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Oklahoma, Military Discharge Records, 1898-1993 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1992 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Oregon, Harney County Records, 1870-1991 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2120716); Browse 111,750 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 111,750 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Papua New Guinea, Vital Records, 1867-2000 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2114430); 464,689 indexed records with 420,639 record images (was 463,862 records with 420,617 images), UPDATED 31-Jan-2025
Pennsylvania, Cemetery Records, ca. 1700-ca. 1950 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/3743478); 806,928 indexed records with 122,250 record images (was 806,762 records with 122,246 images), UPDATED 30-Jan-2025
Pennsylvania, County Marriages, 1775-1991 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1589502); 3,618,187 indexed records with 1,789,697 record images (was 3,617,666 records with 1,789,697 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Peru, Catholic Church Records, 1556-2023 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1877097); 22,562,808 indexed records with 4,192,353 record images (was 22,419,781 records with 4,192,353 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Papua New Guinea, Vital Records, 1867-2000 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Pennsylvania, Cemetery Records, ca. 1700-ca. 1950 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Pennsylvania, County Marriages, 1775-1991 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Peru, Catholic Church Records, 1556-2023 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Peru, Prelature of Yauyos-Cañete-Huarochirí, Catholic Church Records, 1665-2019 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3460240); 586,069 indexed records with 291,420 record images (was 585,671 records with 291,420 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Peru, Puno, Civil Registration, 1890-2005 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1979428); 1,376,927 indexed records with 1,509,870 record images (was 1,376,978 records with 1,509,870 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Philippines Civil Registration (National), 1945-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1852584); 3,896,456 indexed records with 20,274,621 record images (was 3,650,653 records with 20,274,621 images), UPDATED 31-Jan-2025
Philippines, Camarines Sur, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Caceres, Parish Registers, 1716-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1457939); 776,803 indexed records with 136,616 record images (was 776,803 records with 136,616 images), UPDATED 27-Jan-2025
Philippines, Catholic Church Records, 1520-2014 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2861657); 12,128,272 indexed records with 2,863,275 record images (was 12,130,654 records with 2,865,117 images), UPDATED 27-Jan-2025
Peru, Puno, Civil Registration, 1890-2005 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Philippines Civil Registration (National), 1945-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Philippines, Camarines Sur, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Caceres, Parish Registers, 1716-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Philippines, Catholic Church Records, 1520-2014 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Philippines, Church Census, 1542-1980 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/5000216); 3,301,396 indexed records with 65,316 record images (was 3,301,396 records with 65,316 images), UPDATED 27-Jan-2025
Portugal, Porto, Catholic Church Records, 1535-2006 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1913408); 2,489,031 indexed records with 1,207,157 record images (was 2,498,096 records with 1,207,157 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Portugal, Santarém, Catholic Church Records, 1544-1952 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2128189); 1,495,906 indexed records with 647,938 record images (was 1,513,846 records with 647,938 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Portugal, Évora, Catholic Church Records, 1533-1912 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2043775); 982,121 indexed records with 702,397 record images (was 982,321 records with 702,397 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Puerto Rico, Catholic Church Records, 1645-2021 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1807092); 3,339,614 indexed records with 191,547 record images (was 3,339,601 records with 191,547 images), UPDATED 27-Jan-2025
Portugal, Porto, Catholic Church Records, 1535-2006 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Portugal, Santarém, Catholic Church Records, 1544-1952 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Portugal, Évora, Catholic Church Records, 1533-1912 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Puerto Rico, Catholic Church Records, 1645-2021 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Russia, Samara, Church Books 1748-1934 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1807365); 11,443,104 indexed records with 1,909,956 record images (was 11,326,369 records with 1,909,956 images), UPDATED 27-Jan-2025
Russia, Tula, Church Books, 1722-1936 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/5000050); 4,610,255 indexed records with 1,111,656 record images (was 4,112,336 records with 1,050,549 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Scotland, Civil Registration, 1855-1875, 1881, 1891 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/5000163); 4,565,662 indexed records with 1,336,835 record images (was 4,543,367 records with 1,336,009 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Spain, Gerona, Municipal Records, 1566-1960 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2015355); 1,372,171 indexed records with 390,067 record images (was 1,372,473 records with 390,067 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Sri Lanka, Civil Registration, 1768-1990 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2209866); 13,202,145 indexed records with 13,080,617 record images (was 12,988,701 records with 12,867,173 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Russia, Tula, Church Books, 1722-1936 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Scotland, Civil Registration, 1855-1875, 1881, 1891 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Spain, Gerona, Municipal Records, 1566-1960 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Sri Lanka, Civil Registration, 1768-1990 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Texas, Voter Records, 1867-1918 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3163398); 158,565 indexed records with 4,244 record images (was 163,550 records with 4,244 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
Ukraine, Kyiv, Orthodox Consistory Church Book Duplicates, 1723-1931 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1503045); 12,819,810 indexed records with 2,156,546 record images (was 12,822,354 records with 2,156,546 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Ukraine, Poltava, Metrical Books, 1741-1937 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/4440335); 1,462,841 indexed records with 409,349 record images (was 1,454,930 records with 407,121 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
United Kingdom, Chelsea Pensioners' Service Records, 1760-1913 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1952868); 933,572 indexed records with 5,563,420 record images (was 933,943 records with 5,563,420 images), UPDATED 28-Jan-2025
Uruguay, Civil Registration, 1879-2020 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1837849); Index only (1,662,408 records), no images (was 1,649,953 records with 0 images), UPDATED 31-Jan-2025
Ukraine, Kyiv, Orthodox Consistory Church Book Duplicates, 1723-1931 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Ukraine, Poltava, Metrical Books, 1741-1937 (https://familysearch.org/sea
United Kingdom, Chelsea Pensioners' Service Records, 1760-1913 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Uruguay, Civil Registration, 1879-2020 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Venezuela, Civil Registration, 1843-2021 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1823609); 1,287,793 indexed records with 586,312 record images (was 1,280,109 records with 586,312 images), UPDATED 31-Jan-2025
Virginia, Vital Records, 1715-1912 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4149585); 1,840,994 indexed records with 87,020 record images (was 1,827,878 records with 95,452 images), UPDATED 31-Jan-2025
Wisconsin, Naturalization Records, 1848-1991 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2174939); 294,899 indexed records with 176,312 record images (was 294,899 records with 176,312 images), UPDATED 29-Jan-2025
--- Collections with new images ---
Virginia, Vital Records, 1715-1912 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Wisconsin, Naturalization Records, 1848-1991 (https://familysearch.org/sear
--- Collections with new images ---
Argentina, Military Records, 1911-1936 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/5000280); 1 indexed records with 1,042,458 record images (was 1 records with 1,042,445 images), last updated 31-Oct-2024
Brazil, Alagoas, Civil Registration, 1876-2023 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4469403); 1 indexed records with 204,513 record images (was 1 records with 202,914 images), last updated 07-Jun-2024
Brazil, Maranhão, Civil Registration, 1827-2022 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4469402); 1 indexed records with 134,388 record images (was 1 records with 134,138 images), last updated 07-Jun-2024
Dominican Republic, Immigration Records, 1925-1999 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/5000147); 42,243 indexed records with 137,705 record images (was 42,243 records with 137,702 images), last updated 07-Nov-2024
Italy, Arcidiocesi di Palermo, Catholic Church Records, 1392-1927 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/5000127); 1 indexed records with 40,504 record images (was 1 records with 40,501 images), last updated 05-Dec-2024
Brazil, Alagoas, Civil Registration, 1876-2023 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Brazil, Maranhão, Civil Registration, 1827-2022 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Dominican Republic, Immigration Records, 1925-1999 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Italy, Arcidiocesi di Palermo, Catholic Church Records, 1392-1927 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Italy, Diocesi di Piazza Armerina, Catholic Church Records, 1553-1964 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/5000379); 1 indexed records with 23,253 record images (was 1 records with 23,252 images), last updated 05-Dec-2024
Spain, Madrid, Municipal Census Records, 1910-1945 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/5000004); 1,777,197 indexed records with 688,113 record images (was 1,777,197 records with 682,209 images), last updated 15-Jan-2025
United States City and Business Directories, ca. 1749 - ca. 1990 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3754697); 64,961,936 indexed records with 949,597 record images (was 64,961,936 records with 928,756 images), last updated 20-Dec-2024
United States, Census, 1950 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/4464515); 52,785,233 indexed records with 52,639,229 record images (was 52,785,233 records with 52,639,029 images), last updated 16-Jun-2024
United States, Obituary Records, 2014-2023 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/5000145); 1 indexed records with 28,197,664 record images (was 1 records with 28,197,661 images), last updated 22-Jul-2024
Spain, Madrid, Municipal Census Records, 1910-1945 (https://familysearch.org/sear
United States City and Business Directories, ca. 1749 - ca. 1990 (https://familysearch.org/sear
United States, Census, 1950 (https://familysearch.org/sea
United States, Obituary Records, 2014-2023 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Virginia, Wills and Deeds, ca. 1700s-2017 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/3158846); 1 indexed records with 2,636 record images (was 1 records with 1,820 images), last updated 07-Jun-2024
--- Collections with images removed ---
--- Collections with images removed ---
Colombia, DAS Civil Registration Alphabetic Cards, 1914-2011 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/5000074); 1 indexed records with 15,907,681 record images (was 1 records with 15,907,895 images), last updated 25-Nov-2024
Finland, Tax Lists, 1809-1915 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2704794); 966,449 indexed records with 10,545 record images (was 966,449 records with 13,284 images), last updated 14-Jun-2024
Germany, Baden, Church Book Duplicates, 1804-1877 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1395660); 733,778 indexed records with 1,266 record images (was 733,778 records with 733,778 images), last updated 07-Nov-2024
Massachusetts, Naturalization Index, 1906-1966 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1834334); 388,086 indexed records with 380,146 record images (was 388,086 records with 388,086 images), last updated 09-Nov-2010
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Record of Members (Worldwide), 1836-1970 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/3714676); 1,287,067 indexed records with 87,931 record images (was 1,287,067 records with 88,066 images), last updated 22-Jan-2025
Finland, Tax Lists, 1809-1915 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Germany, Baden, Church Book Duplicates, 1804-1877 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Massachusetts, Naturalization Index, 1906-1966 (https://familysearch.org/sear
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Record of Members (Worldwide), 1836-1970 (https://familysearch.org/sea
United States, Civil War Widows and Other Dependents Pension Files, 1861-1934 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1922519); 3,711,529 indexed records with 3,676,049 record images (was 3,711,529 records with 3,711,529 images), last updated 02-May-2013
--- Collections with new records ---
--- Collections with records removed ---
--- Collections with new records ---
--- Collections with records removed ---
United States, Public Records, 1970-2009 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2199956); Index only (875,605,902 records), no images (was 875,609,755 records with 0 images), last updated 24-Jan-2025
United States, Residence Database, 1970-2024 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/5000290); Index only (413,872,643 records), no images (was 413,872,645 records with 0 images), last updated 22-Jun-2024
United States, Residence Database, 1970-2024 (https://familysearch.org/sear
My friend and SDGS colleague, Marshall, has come up with a way to determine which collections are ADDED, DELETED or UPDATED, and to alphabetize the entries in each category. Thanks to Marshall for helping me out here!
Marshall notes that there are:
* 2 removed entries
* 0 added entries
* 133 updated entries
* 19 entries with more or fewer images or records
The FamilySearch website says 3415 total entries on the list. Marshall's list says 3415. In sync!
In order to select a specific record collection on FamilySearch, go to https://familysearch.org/search/collection/list and use the "Filter by collection name" feature in the upper left-hand corner and use keywords (e.g. "church england") to find collections with those keywords.
Each of the collections listed above has a Research Wiki page (use the "Learn more" link). It would be very useful if the Wiki page for each collection listed the dates for when the collection was added as a new collection and the dates for major updates also.
The URL for this post is: https://www.geneamusings.com/2025/02/added-and-updated-familysearch.html
Copyright (c) 2025 Randall J. Seaver
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