Sunday, May 21, 2006

Lauren in Las Vegas

Life is a mosaic, and one of the "panels" in my mosaic is my grandchildren. Blogging was light (well, non-existent!) last weekend because Angel Linda and I went off to Victorville and then Las Vegas to celebrate Lauren's father's birthday. Her mother surprised him with the trip and a party at PFChang's in the Aladdin on Saturday, with his family and friends there.

We stayed at the MGM Grand, and had a wonderful time. We shared a large two-bedroom suite with Lauren and her parents, and she slept in our room with us so that her folks could party the two nights away. Here is a picture of Linda and I with Lauren in the hotel lobby. You should see the lions at this place - the trainers sat with them just across the window from us. One night, we sat across from Howie Mandel in the casino restaurant - Lauren got a smile from him and his party when she toddled around the tables.

The highlight for us was the River Pool at the MGM Grand where we all got in the flowing river, with an inner tube, and swam for about two hours. The pool has waterfalls and spray jets to liven the scene while you swim or float past everybody on the sides getting a tan (I don't tan, I burn easily, hence the hat and sitting in the shade). Here is a picture of Lauren and I taking a break from swimming to people watch. I had great fun floating along with Lauren pretending she was swimming and running her under the water sprays. She giggles a lot.

So what does this have to do with genealogy? Nothing, but it has everything to do with my family history, and it's my blog, so it's a fair tradeoff. I get to show her off, and you get a glimpse of my real life (all three of you that read my blog once in awhile!).

Don't panic - I'll write some more genealogy stuff tomorrow. Today, enjoy the pictures of a very cute little girl and her proud grandma and grandpa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read your blog from time to time and enjoy every bit of it. Your little Lauren is verrrrry cute and I can see you are completely taken with her. I am going to try to transfer your blog to a file for future reference. Thanks for all the info.

Jan Van Buren