Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Della's Journal - Week 41 (October 8-14, 1929)

This is Installment 41 of the Journal of Della (Smith) Carringer, my great-grandmother, who resided at 2115 30th Street in San Diego in 1929.

The "players" and "setting" are described here. Pictures of some of the players are here. Last week's Journal entry is here.

Here is Week 41:


Tuesday, October 8: I took my bath & did some work. A[ustin] got along very well. I went to town, met Lyle at Bank of Italy, had him sign to be on Safty box with me. Then I pd $30 for my Inshurance on this house at Shreves for 3 yrs at $5000 then went to see Montgomery Ward store and up to Elva's, had a nice visit, got home by dark.

Wednesday, October 9: I gave $1.00 for Red Cross in community. Went with Emily & mother up to Park. Betty went to her school & I to Bridges Galery then to lilly ponds, saw seven wimmen painting pictures. Picked figs gave them all away. Mrs A[uble] made a little jam.

Thursday, October 10: I trimmed shrubery & tied up Poinsettas. Ma worked too, then we rested in afternoon. Ma wrote Mary Dyar yesterday.

Friday, October 11: Ma worked around little fig tree & I ironed. This afternoon posted on my Bank books and sewed a little. A[ustin] got pay.

Saturday, October 12: Ed over, mowed lawn, brought some apples & grapes. Emily went to L.A. this 6 A.M. with Mr. Nolan's. Emily took some 3 hats to see if she can get some to make. Mrs. Auble Lyle & Betty go up at 2 P.M. come back tomorrow or Mon[day] morning.

Sunday, October 13: Miss Thoren (pd rent $25) went to Los Angeles to visit her sister. I worked on west Lawn. A[ustin] watered & put some furtilizer on. I did not do anything this P.M. At 8 P.M. Glen Loucks called up to say (Hellow) & tell us he was married the 23 of Sep[tember]. A[ustin] watered Lyle's lawn. Lyle's came home about 9 P.M. had a nice time.

Monday, October 14: I went to town, put deed on lots 10, 11, 12 Bk 61 Seaman & Choat in Safty box 1st Nat[ional] & Inshurance Papers on 2115-30th St in Bk of Italy box. Deposited $20 of Miss Thoren's rent & $90 of A[ustin]'s [pay], got $8 of drug suplies on sales at Monarch & Owl drug store. The Motorcade arrived from Florida today. I went to cooking school, home by 5 P.M.


Della continues to take her bath on Tuesday, and does her banking work throughout the week. I think that the Glen Loucks marriage date is new information for me, but I don't know his wife's name. I can probably find it in the 1930 census and perhaps in the CA Death Index. I wonder if they had any children?

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