When we find pictures in a drawer, in a book, or in a cabinet we usually put them in an over-flowing box in the Genea-Cave to save for filing and scanning when I get a round tuit. Today, I noticed that there was a photo on the floor below the box in the Genea-Cave, so I picked it up and discovered probably the only four generation picture we have with one of my daughters.

This was taken in our living room in April 1975 (either at our old house or just after moving into our present house). From the left, there is my father, Fred Seaver (age 63), Randy Seaver (age 31, beardless for another three years, see - I had hair once), daughter Lori Seaver (age 11 months, cute as a bug), my grandmother, Emily (Auble) Carringer (age 76), my grandfather, Lyle Carringer (age 83) and my mother Betty (Carringer) Seaver (age 54). We still have the dark wood coffee table, but gave the red and gold couch to charity last year.
It's not a wonderful picture - not everyone is smiling or looking at the camera (it was probably taken by Linda), but it's the only four generation picture of this family group that I have. I enhanced it a bit in the photo editing program.
Finding this kind of makes me want to go look in the garage to look in the big box of photos taken from 1970 to 1990 or so that I know is out there, but I fear that the bugs or mice have snacked on over the years. I wonder what other gems are in that box!
It's funny how things happen, isn't it? I don't recall ever seeing this picture before, but there it was on the floor of the Genea-Cave today. Angel Linda must have found it (and there are several others in the top of the box) somewhere. If she had put it in the box, I may never have seen it. But she missed, I saw it and picked it up, scanned it, and now it's on the Internet and is part of my family picture collection.
I love it when things work out well. It's been a good day!
It's a great picture Randy! I'd love to have a 4 generation photo of my family! You did a nice job of "touching it up". The colors look very natural. When I look at this picture it says "family". What more could you ask?
Thanks for sharing it with us!
Jiminy, we don't even have a one-generation picture of our family! That's right, I don't know of a single photograph ... portrait or snapshot ... that portrays my brothers and parents. I keep meaning to try to find several pictures within the same era to have one created!
Gotta love those yellow walls, red carpets, etc. from the 70's. We had similar colors in our house!
Just wanted to say Hi! I am a fellow Californian with my own genealogy blog, We're All Relative. Someday I'll be retired and I'll be able to work on it more often!
Thanks for sharing your work.
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