The first graph (above) is a day-by-day look at returning visitors (orange), unique visitors (blue) and page views (green) as counted by www.statcounter.com, which has specific criteria. As you can see, only during early May did I have much over 400 page views or over 200 unique visitors on any day, and that was after there was a link on both Leland Meitzler's blog and Dick Eastman's blog - I think this was during the "Genealogy is Bunk" controversy. I had one very big day, several good days, and about 360 average days. Terry Thornton would call the early May data a "blogalanche."

The second graph (above) is a month-by-month summary created by www.sitemeter.com. The total numbers are somewhat different from the Statcounter numbers - one of them counts Blogger hits and the other doesn't, I think. They both seem to collect newsreader hits since I see them in the individual records when I review them.
As you can see, my visits and page views are somewhat constant since May 2007. I average about 200 visitors and 300 page views each day. This is nowhere near what some of the other bloggers average, but that's OK - my readers seem to be very discerning!
If there are other free "counter" programs, please tell me about them. I haven't looked recently. I would love to be able to see how many readers each post generates, and do more analysis, but I only have these two free counting services at this time.
There are also about 100 readers who subscribe to get email via www.FeedBurner.com.
I thank each and every one of my readers for their support, encouragement, and especially their comments. I'm trying to balance genealogy-related news, commentary, entertainment, research and stories in this blog.
I use Google Analytics (google.com/analytics) to track the stats on my blog. It gives basic statistics along with where people who visit live and even what internet provider they were using! There is more information than I could possibly use, but I really like it. You might want to check it out.
I second the plug for Google analytics. You get all the stats on page hits, etc, but what I like is that you also see WHERE your visitors are coming from...literally, what countries, states, cities. Useless? Perhaps, but to me it's utterly fascinating that someone in Montevideo wants to read my blog! I also like that they can tell you where your visitors came from (direct hit, from a search engine and if so what terms were they searching for), how long they were on your pages, what else they clicked on while they were there. It's free, so it's definitely worth checking out even if you use other hit counters.
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