Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Y-DNA Results - Post 7: DNA Ancestry Possible Matches

My daughters gifted me a 20-marker Y-DNA test from The DNA Ancestry Project ( for Christmas. I sent it in via mail in mid-January and checked into it last week and found that my results were available on Genebase.

Here are the earlier posts in this series:

* Post 1: Getting Started on the Genebase web site.
* Post 2: Reading the Markers - seeing my 20 Y-DNA markers for the first time.
* Post 3: GeneBase Family Tree - uploading my family tree to Genebase and showed the results.
* Post 4: GeneBase Possible Matches - looking for other people who might match my Y-DNA markers in the Genebase database.
* Post 5: FamilyTreeDNA Possible Matches - comparing my Y-DNA markers to information in the FamilyTreeDNA site.
* Post 6: Loading Markers to DNA Ancestry - manually add my markers, and correct them, to DNA Ancestry.

In this post, I'm going to look for possible matches in the DNA Ancestry Y-DNA database. In the last post, I was on my Individual Page, so I clicked on the "See Paternal R-Ancestry" link. That provided me with a summary of my Y-DNA markers (with the correction, and a map showing the history of the R Haplogroup:

At this point, there was no obvious way to find any Matches. So I went back to the DNA Ancestry page and clicked on the "Find Matches" link on the left of the screen. That resulted in this screen showing potential Y-DNA matches to my markers:

On the chart, my 20 Y-DNA markers are listed across the top row of the comparison chart. Below my markers, are the markers for many persons, listed in order by genetic distance from me. The one below me matched 19 of my markers but the one different marker was 2 points off, as were several others listed. In the column after the person's names, there is a column for MRCA - Most Recent Common Ancestor. For the first person after me, it shows an MRCA = 19 as an estimate. None of the persons on the list of 250 persons, but only seven were within a GD = 2.

The conclusion I draw from this is that DNA Ancestry has no persons in their database any closer than a Genetic Distance = 2 (the two point difference in one of my markers).

At the top of the screen above is a link for "Map" which I clicked on:

This map shows where all of the persons, who are in the table of 250 possible matches, live. I could reduce the number shown by using the slide above the names. For the seven relatively close matches, there was one person in England and six in the USA.

What should I do now? I decided to check for a Seaver surname group. I clicked on the "Visit Groups" link on the left of the map. It showed:

I input the surname SEAVER into the box and clicked on the orange "Submit" button:

The result is that there are no surname groups for the SEAVER surname. I decided to start one, so I clicked on the orange "New Group" button and got:

I filled in the form to create a SEAVER surname group, with surname variations, keywords (I used place names), and a brief description. I clicked on the "Submit" button and the SEAVER Surname Y-DNA Group was created:

As of now, it has only one member - me. My hope is that other males with the SEAVER surname will be tested and add their information at DNA Ancestry. Hopefully, some of them will be descendants of Robert Seaver (1608-1683) of Massachusetts.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Randy - just curious if you managed to look into the Maryland deeds yet? I was having problems viewing the plats, they gave me another user name and password to access that area. It's the same login and pw for everyone so if you've been digging around on that site and have run into the little box that asks for a user name to view plats let me know, I'll probably respond more quickly than they.
hope you find something!