How many really great FREE websites for genealogy research are there on the Internet? There are quite a few, and I get really excited when I find another one.
Have you looked at recently? They have added significant quantity and high quality content since I last looked at them back in August 2007. Here is the top of their home page (two screens, some overlap):

There are links across the top menu with headings for Home, Genealogical Records, Maps, Encyclopedia, Printable Forms, Products, States, Humor, DNA, Free Trials and Blog. I'm not going to write about all of those today, but I want to alert my readers to the educational content available on this web sites for Genealogical Records.
The home page has sections for Census Records, Land Records, court Records, Probate Records, Tax Records, Vital Records, Military Records, and Research in State Histories. These sections can also be reached by links in the Genealogical Records menu dropdown menus.
Here is the top of the Land Records section:

This Land Records page has links to text sections about Deeds, State Land States, Public Domain States, and Military Bounty Land. Each of these sections provides significant discussion of the terminology, methods, records and related reading. At the top of the page, there are links for the Land Records of each state.
The other genealogical record types have similar content, and links to records for each state.
In my brief review of this site, I found it very helpful to have these extensive discussions available in one place. A researcher desiring information about records in a particular state will find this website invaluable.
You are so right about this great resource, but I liked the old format much better, which gave a lot more County-by-County detail about what records were available through what office, and time periods covered.
Randy as I posted about the interactive maps links you gave, may favorite feature of 101 is just that--their great county formation maps!
You probably saw this on Facebook, but the Genealogy Page had this a while back:
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