Monday, July 20, 2009

Favorite Free (or Low Cost) Genealogy Resources

Miriam Robbins Midkiff, author of the Ancestories: Stories of My Ancestors blog, started a Forum discussion on Genealogy Wise over one week ago and it is still going strong with 97 responses (to date).

The title is Your Favorite Free (or Low-Cost) Genealogy Resources. There are lots of great genealogy resources listed here! Check it out!

Which leads to my real question: What are YOUR favorite free (or low-cost) genealogy resources? Tell Miriam in her Genealogy Wise forum article, or tell me in comments to this post, or write a blog post of your own about it.


Miriam Robbins said...

Thanks for the shout out, Randy! One of my many favorites is FamilySearch Record Search!

Anonymous said...

Hi Randy, found your blog, I am a direct descendent of Ignatius Grieser, would like to contact you, how?
Christine Marie Grieser
Juneau Alaska

Randy Seaver said...


Thanks for contacting me - I hope you check back to see this comment.

Please email me at My wife is your cousin, I'm not.

I can share some info with you - don't have much on your surname.

Regards -- Randy