I'm posting old family photographs from my collection on Wednesdays, but they won't be wordless Wednesday posts like others do - I simply am incapable of having a wordless post.
This photograph is from loose pictures found in a box, probably from my grandfather's photo album, that I scanned during Scanfest in February:

This picture was taken, probably by my mother, Betty (Carringer) Seaver, in late 1946 or early 1947. The persons in the photograph are (from left)
* Emily Kemp (Auble) Carringer - my maternal grandmother
* Stanley R. Seaver - my brother, held by Emily
* Randy Seaver - moi, on my grandfather's back
* Lyle Lawrence Carringer - my maternal grandfather
* Gerogianna (Kemp) Auble - my great-grandmother, Emily's mother
I think that this picture was taken in the garden, inside the fence, at 2115 30th Street, near the southwest corner of the house.
I just realized that this photo has four people with the same mitochondrial DNA - me, my brother, my grandmother and my great-grandmother. Unfortunately, I don't have a photograph of Georgianna's mother (Mary Jane (Sovereen) Kemp) or her maternal grandmother (Eliza (Putman) Sovereen).
I really wish that my mother was in this picture. It would then be a true four-generation photograph.
1 comment:
Randy, when I viewed your image in full resolution, I noticed significant vertical striping. It may be that the original image was printed on some kind of patterned paper, but if not, those lines look similar to vertical striping I was seeing in my high-resolution scans recently. As I grew increasingly concerned that my relatively new flatbed scanner was wearing out, I noticed that the scanner's software toolbox included a "Calibrate" option. Once I implemented a calibration, the vertical striping disappeared entirely. Now my policy is to run the calibration routine prior to every major scanning session.
If your scanner is suffering a similar malady, perhaps it has a Calibrate option that will magically heal its wayward ways.
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