Wednesday, July 13, 2011

FGS 2011 Conference Social Media Policy

The Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) 2011 Conference is in Springfield, Illinois from September 7th to 10th, 2011.  I am an "Official blogger" for the Conference, so I will be posting information about it from time to time.

Here is the FGS Social Media Policy for the 2011 Conference:

The Federation of Genealogical Societies Announces a Comprehensive and Balanced Policy for the Use of Social Media at its Upcoming Annual Conference

July 6, 2011 – Austin, TX. The Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) announces a new social media policy which will be in effect at its upcoming annual conference, Pathways to the Heartland, to be held in Springfield, Illinois, September 7-10, 2011.

FGS has developed a comprehensive social media policy for use by its Official Bloggers as well as all conference attendees. This policy seeks to balance the needs of social media users to report on the FGS 2011 conference and the needs of conference attendees for a productive learning environment, while at the same time protecting the intellectual property rights of FGS and its speakers.

Here is the FGS 2011 Social Media Policy in its entirety:

The Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) does not permit the recording of presentations at FGS conferences or events under any circumstances or in any form or media, including but not limited to audio recordings, video recordings, or literal transcripts, except by specific written permission. Fleetwood Onsite Conference Recording contracts with FGS to audio record the lectures of speakers who provide their written consent to be recorded. Recordings may be purchased at the conference and can be ordered and downloaded after the conference.

FGS does permit and encourage the use of various forms of social media, including Facebook, Twitter and live blogging at conferences and events as a means of summarizing, highlighting, excerpting, reviewing, and/or publicizing sessions, events, syllabus materials, speakers or the conference in general, provided that: (1) only content excerpts are used and that the presentation material is not reproduced in full while using social media tools; (2) the speaker is referenced and cited appropriately in each case; (3) non-flash photos may be taken of any session only with the prior consent of that session’s speaker; (4) while speakers have been informed of this policy and are encouraged to permit the use of social media during their session, they do have the right to make an announcement at the start of the session barring the use of social media during their sessions; and (5) any announcement made barring the use of cell phones or mobile devices does not apply to the use of such devices to access social media tools, but such announcement applies to a) turning off any audible ringer or notification alert on such devices and b) the use of such devices to make a call requiring a voice conversation which can be heard by other event or session attendees.

We ask that at all times you please respect the intellectual property rights and copyrights of FGS and its presenters and speakers.

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