I have complete writer's block tonight, so went on Twitter and used some keywords to see what tweeters are saying about Genealogy and Ancestry. Here are some of the best ones...
Tjpitre Genealogy- If you are of European descent you might find your ancestors were a bunch of bored, dirty, self-loathers with blockish physiques.
Jamesmoore80 I'm related to the first action hero/folk hero, Daniel Boone. Awesome! So glad my dad does genealogy!
Queenanthai Found an old sheet of paper with a lot of my genealogy scribbled onto it. As far as my grandpa can remember, anyway.
CheckeredChix The Checkered Chicken: Loads and Loads of Hay thecheckeredchicken.blogspot.com/2011/07/loads-… #genealogy #familyhistory #familystories
CousinCeCe How about a tuna salad lunch and a little celebrity genealogy?
Maoz001 Genesis genealogy of isis
fibiswebmaster #genealogy #history Just How DO You Research Armenians in India? http://goo.gl/fb/Xejwi #blog #armenian #burials
rpgirl27 Just spent 2hrs w/ a formerly Amish dude paging thru genealogy books trying to get him enuf documentation to get a US passport since his-
babyteejen @melvinwang Mah Mah and I tried to figure out your genius genealogy. She owes it to Uncle Leonard and the bank.
EstoppelFoxdale I've figured out I am of very Irish decent. Maybe Irish/Anglo. Being an American f.cks your genealogy all to hell though.
Inventrix Genealogy, whatever. *files that with dalmatian*
Inventrix Coworker talking about geneology: "I think we ALL can go back to Charlemagne!" Errr... no... pretty sure I couldn't... xD
LaBarraBNini The only ones I know with answers to my geneology are my aunt&Dad. And they're both working. #Frustration
LaBarraBNini This talk of geneology made me realize that I don't know sh.t about either side of my family.
OpportunityRus Want to join a team that is a real team? We help one another in a permanent geneology. Multiple steams of income.
AshleyJudd Digging deeper into geneology. bitsy.me/2bt helped w/ my ep of #whodoyouthinkyouare. Am descended frm Wm & Mary Brewster's 1rst son
crankfetter I can trace my ancestry directly to the Tom who invented foolery.
Then there are thousands of others that make some sense!
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
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I love all the creative ways people spell GENEALOGY!
Have you ever done research typing the different forms of spelling of Genealogy into the system. It can be very enlightening about our peoples. I miss spelt the word about 8 years ago and was on line for five hours wandering through the stuff up on webs.
That was hilarious! Especially the tweet from crankfetter. Thanks for making my evening!
I don't see what's funny about the tweet from @fibiswebmaster, Randy. FIBIS is the Families in British India Society. They have a fantastic website, full of records, for anyone interested in genealogy research in India. There is a large Armenian community in India to this day: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenians_in_India.
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