Wednesday, July 13, 2011

(Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Post 161: Emily Auble at age 17

I'm posting family photographs from my collection on Wednesdays, but they won't be Wordless Wednesday posts like others do - I simply am incapable of having a wordless post.

Here is a photograph from the Seaver/Carringer family collection handed down by my mother in the
1988-2002 time period:

This is a photograph of my grandmother, Emily (Kemp) Auble (1899-1977), taken in 1916 at about age 17.  She was in high school then, and working at Marston's Department Store in downtown San Diego.  I think it is beautiful! 

This photograph was in the Bessie Pentecost photograph album that is now in my possession, which has photos pasted on the black poster paper.  I scanned some of the pages during the last Scanfest, then cropped some of the individual pictures.  Bessie (Auble) Pentecost was a first cousin of Emily Kemp Auble. 

My guess is that the pictures were sent to Bessie and put in the album at a later date.


Root Digger said...

Less Words just more than wordless. Wonderful picture!

Susi's Quarter said...

Randy we are learning Penticoast is very probably kin of Fred's I would love to learn any thing more you may have on this line. Penticost Penticuff Penticoff Bennigove Benicuff etc. O yes there is some in sw PA also ..It is a variant of Benninghove Benninghoff. German