The treasure today is the 1830 Removal Order for Jane Morley and her twin daughters from Little Bolton to Blackburn in Lancashire, England:
The transcription of this record is (handwritten text in italics):
To the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Township of
Little Bolton in the said County.
Whereas you have made Complaint unto us, whose names are
hereunto set and Seals affixed, being two of His Majesty's Justices of the
Peace and Quorum, in and for the said County, That Jane Morley
Widow and her two twin children Leah
and Rachael, each aged eleven years,
have come to inhabit in your said Township, not having gained a legal
Settlement there, nor having produced a Certificate owning them to be
settled elsewhere, and the said
Jane Morley and her two children
having become actually chargeable to your said Township. We the said
Justices, upon due proof made thereof upon Oath, and likewise upon due
Consideration had of the Premises, do adjudge the same to be true: And
we do likewise adjudge that the lawful Settlement of them the said
Jane Morley and her two children
is in the township parish or place of
Blackburn in the County aforesaid
We do therefore require you, the
said Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor, or some one of you, to
convey the said
Jane Morley and her two children
from and out of your said Township. to the said township parish
or place of Blackburn
and them together with this our Order,
or a true Copy thereof, to deliver to the Churchwardens and Overseers of
the Poor there, who are also hereby required to receive and provide for
them according to Law.
Given under our Hands and Seals, the twenty ninth Day of
November in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight
Hundred and Thirty
Confirmed as to Jane Morley }
Set aside as to Leah & Bridget } Ra: Fletcher
In Consent } W. Allen
The source citation for this document is:
"Lancashire, England, Quarter Session Records and Petitions, 1648-1908," indexed database and record images, ( : accessed 23 May 2015), Lancashire, 29 November 1930 Session, Reference RB 291, Jane Morley order, Little Bolton to Blackburn; citing Lancashire Quarter Session Records and Petitions, 17th - 19th Century, Microfilm, Lancashire Record Office, Preston, England.
This record is the Order requiring the churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor in Little Bolton to remove Jane Morley and her two daughters and transport them to Blackburn. It follows on the petition submitted on the same day at the Quarter Session court in Little Salford.
It is clear from this record that Jane Morley and her twin illegitimate daughters were in Little Bolton without permission in November 1830. It may be that Jane and her daughters had moved to Blackburn after the christening of Leah and Rachel on 25 December 1821 in St. Peter's Church in Little Bolton, Lancashire. Then, before the 29 November 1830 petition and order, they had moved back to Little Bolton without permission.
The handwritten note at the end of this record says "Set aside as to Leah and Bridget." They got the second name wrong, it should be Rachael. This indicates that Leah and Rachel/Bridget were to stay in Little Bolton, but Jane was to be removed to Blackburn. I wonder who were to be the overseers of Leah and Rachel.
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