1) Yesterday, after we arrived, my Linda met Linda Okazaki, the current President of the California Genealogical Society and Library in Oakland:
2) This morning at breakfast, Paul Hawthorne and I had our picture taken with two of the more outgoing geneabloggers, Elyse Doerflinger and Sheri Fenley.
3) There was a big commotion in the registration area of the hotel this morning - Laurie Desmarais and Beverley Fieg arrived and were greeted by Amy Urman and Leslie Carney very enthusiastically, since Laurie recently had a birthday.
4) The doors to the Exhibit Hall opened at 12 noon and it was a mad rush in - folks found about 70 exhibitors and their stands with genealogical treasures. The RootsMagic exhibit right at the entry door:
5) Turning 90 degrees, here is the view to the southwest, with the Genealogists.com exhibit near the entrance:
6) Two of my favorite people were really bust at the Family Roots Publishing exhibit - Leland Meitzler and Bill Dollarhide. They don't even know I took their picture - don't tell them:
7) The Sons of Norway had a display opposite the NEHGS exhibit:
8) The HistoryLines team was there demonstrating their product - I had a good talk with Adam:
9) Ron Arons modeled his 3D mind map thinking cap:
10) I had a good conversation with these two fellows with a new product, Documenting Your Past:
11) MyHeritage has some comfortable chairs (and candy) at their display, I talked to Mark Olsen and Kiara and Mike Mansfield (shown below):
12) Denise Levenick was selling her books at Lisa Louise Cooke's exhibit:
More photos to come!
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2015/06/day-1-wanderings-at-genealogy-jamboree.html
Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
1 comment:
Thanks for all the photos Randy - it is great to be able to see the exhibits and get a feel for Jamboree (could not attend this year - but it is on the list for 2016!).
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