The treasure today is the 1820 United States Census record for the John Putman household in Wayne, Steuben County, New York:
The Peter Putman entry is the first entry at the top of the page:
The family information from this record is:
* Head of household: John Putman
* one male aged 0 to 9 (perhaps son Isaac Putman, born about 1820)
* two males aged 10 to 15 (perhaps sons Peter born about 1812, and Martin born about 1816)
* one male over age 45 (certainly John Putman, but born in 1785, so only age 35)
* one female aged 10 to 15 (perhaps daughter Elizabeth, born about 1818)
* one female aged 26 to 45 (likely Sarah (Martin) Putman)
* 1 person engaged in agriculture (probably John Putman)
The source citation for this record is:
1820 United States Federal Census, Population Schedule, Steuben County, New York, population schedule, Wayne town, page 251, John Putman household, indexed database and digital image, ( : accessed 10 December 2015), citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M33, Roll 74.
The ages of the children and John Putman from the records do not line up exactly with the 1820 census record. Perhaps a neighbor provided the information about the family.
John Putman (1785-1863) was the son of Peter and Sarah (Kinnan) Putman, who moved from New Jersey to central New York before 1810. John married Sarah Martin (1792-1860) in about 1810 in Seneca County, New York. They had seven children between 1812 and 1829 in Steuben County, New York. The John Putman family moved to Norfolk County, Ontario in about 1834 and died there.
John and Sarah (Martin) Putman are my 4th great-grandparents, through their daughter Elizabeth Puitman (1818-1895) who married Alexander Sovereen (1814-1907) on 3 March 1840 in Norfolk County, Ontario.
My biographical sketch for John Putman is in 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks - Week 102: #126 John Putman (1785-1863) and my sketch for Sarah (Martin) Putman is in 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks - Week 103: #127 Sarah (Martin) Putman (1792-1860).
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Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver
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