This week's document for transcription is the 1880 Petition to Sell Real Estate for the insolvent estate of Edward L. Seaver (1836-1880) of Harrisville, Cheshire County, New Hampshire.
1) Cheshire County, New Hampshire Probate Records - Estate File S1116, Image 885 of 1475:
The transcription of this document is:
To the Judge of the Probate of Wills, &c., for the County of Cheshire:
Respectfully sheweth George W. Seaver Administrator of the
Estate of Edward L. Seaver late of Harrisville
deceased, that the Personal Estate which belonged to the said Edward L. Seaver
is not sufficient to pay the demands due from his Estate
he therefore prays that license be granted him to sell at public auction undivided four seventh
of a certain tract of land in the northerly part of Harrisville in said
County, bounded as follows: - beginning on the old road at the south-
west corner of land owned by Noah W. Hardy, thence easterly on said
Hardy's land to the road leading from Nelson to Harrisville, thence
southerly on said road to land of John Rutherford, thence westerly,
southerly on said Rutherfords land to land of George W. Seaver,
thence westerly on said Seavers land to the old road leading to
Dublin, thence northerly on said road to the corner of the wall
near the west barn, thence easterly on a fence to the south-east
corner of said barn, thence northerly on a line to the north-west
corner of the east barn, thence easterly, northerly, westerly on the
wall to said old road to Dublin, thence northerly on said road to
the upper orchard, so called, thence easterly, northerly, westerly on
the wall to said old road, thence northerly on said road to the bound
first-mentioned, containing one hundred acres, more or less.
Also four undivided sevenths of one undivided half of the house
wood-shed and a small barn occupied by the late said Edward L. Seaver.
Also three undivided sevenths of another tract of land in the northerly
part of Harrisville in said County, bounded as follows: - beginning
on the old road at the north-west corner of land owned by George W.
Seaver, thence northerly on said road to the corner of the wall near the
west barn, thence easterly on a fence to the south-west corner of said
barn, thence northerly on a line to the north-west corner of the east
barn, thence easterly, northerly, westerly on the wall to said old road
to Dublin, thence northerly on said road to the upper orchard so
called, thence easterly, northerly, westerly on the wall to said old
road, thence northerly on said road to land owned by Noah W. Hardy,
thence westerly on land of Wellington W. Seaver to the Breed pond so-
called, thence southerly on said pond to land of Leonard B. Yardly,
thence easterly on said Yardly's land to the first mentioned
point, containing one hundred acres more or less. Except one
undivided half of house, wood-shed and small barn.
Subject to the life lease of Susan G. Seaver, recorded at
the Cheshire records - volume 241, page 582.
agreeable to a law of the State of New Hampshire in such case made and provided.
Dated at Keene, the 7th day of May 1880.
George W. Seaver
At a Court of Probate for the County of Cheshire, holden at Keene, in said County, on the seventh
day of May Anno Domini 1880.
ORDERED, That the petitioner cause the heirs at law of the before named Edward L. Seaver
to be notified to appear at a Court of Probate to be holden at Keene, in said County, on the first
Friday of June next, by causing a copy of the foregoing petition, and this order thereon,
to be published three weeks successively in the Cheshire Republican, printed at Keene, the
last publication whereof to be at least seven days before said Court, that they may shew cause, if any the have, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted.
By order, H. O. Coolidge Register.
At a Court of Probate for the County of Cheshire, holden at Keene, in said County, on the first
Friday of June Anno Domini 1880.
Notice having been given agreeable to the foregoing order, and no objection having been made, I do decree that license be granted the before named Administrator to sell at public auction
All the Real Estate described in the foregoing petition
Jo????? G. Bellvue Judge of Probate.
The source citation for this probate case file is:
"New Hampshire, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1643-1982," indexed database with record images, (, Cheshire County, Probate Estate Files S1076-S1140, 1879-to 1881, File S1116 (images 860 to 907 of 1475), estate file for Edward L. Seaver of Harrisville, 1880; original data: New Hampshire County, District and Probate Courts.
Edward Loring Seaver (1836-1880) was born 3 May 1836 in Nelson, New Hampshire, the son of William and Susan (Gurler) Seaver. Edward died on 1 April 1880 in Harrisville, New Hampshire. He was not married and had no children.
His father, William Seaver (1797-1867) died in 1867, but there is no probate record for him in Cheshire County, New Hampshire. Susan G. Seaver died in 1882 and does have a probate record. William and Susan (Gurler) Seaver had seven children, but only four were alive in 1880. George W. Seaver, the administrator of Edward's estate, and Wellington W. Seaver, also mentioned in the petition above, were sons of William and Susan, and brothers of Edward L. Seaver.
The probate estate file includes an inventory, a bond, letters of administration, receipts from heirs and creditors, and an account. Edward Loring Seaver owned real estate valued at $800 and had personal estate of $185.61, but $650 of the real estate went to George W. Seaver as a result of notes owed to George W. Seaver.
Edward Loring Seaver (1836-1880) is my 6th cousin four times removed. Our common Seaver ancestor is my 8th great-grandfather Shubael Seaver (1640-1729).
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
Read other transcriptions of records of my ancestors at Amanuensis Monday Posts.
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