Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Free Genealogy Presentations From GRIP in June (on Zoom) and July (In-person)

 I received this from Elissa Scalise Powell on the Transitional Genealogists Forum IO Groups page recently:


Thanks to sponsoring organizations’ generosity, each evening from Monday June 19th through Thursday the 22nd you have the opportunity to attend a free lecture which is hosted by a genealogy society and presented by one of GRIP's world-class teachers.  

The June lectures are online via Zoom, while the July lectures are in-person at LaRoche University, Pittsburgh, PA.  All lectures begin at 7:00 PM ET.  Here is this year's line-up, along with June's Zoom registration links:


*  Monday June 19:  Judy G. Russell, JD, CG, on “From 1619 to Juneteenth – Slavery and the Law Before the Civil War”
REGISTER HERE:  (Orange County California Genealogical Society)


*  Tuesday June 20: Deborah Abbott, Ph.D. on “Genealogy Strategies: Memorable Moments in the Life of Bob Hope, An American Icon”
REGISTER HERE: (Bucks Co (PA) Gen Society website)


*  Wednesday June 21:  Paul Woodbury on “Right Place, Right Time, Right Person: Intersections of DNA and Document Evidence”
REGISTER HERE: (Main Line Genealogy Club)


*  Thursday June 22: Michael D. Lacopo, DVM. “Telling Their Story: Adding Character to Your Genealogical Narrative”
REGISTER HERE:  (Mid-Atlantic Germanic Society)


*  Monday July 10 (in-person – just come to La Roche University):  Sponsored by North Hills Genealogists. Mary Roddy will present "Flying Under the Radar - Discovering Charles Olin's Alias."  Click HERE for more details. 

Please note that this meeting will occur on the second Monday of July as opposed to the NHG typical third Monday.

Special treat at the July 10th Meeting:  Mary Kay Wilson of Our Fun Tree  ( will be selling her hand-crafted genealogy-themed jewelry and gifts. She is also bringing genealogy-themed mugs which will be free to attendees. The mugs say “Caution, I brake for cemeteries,” “Family Tree Hugger,” and “Eventually all genealogists come to their Census” among other designs.

*  Tuesday, July 11 (in-person – just come to La Roche University): Sponsored by Western PA Genealogical Society. Warren Bittner on “Writing to Engage the Reader” Learn tricks of good writing and how to turn dry dates and documents into a fascinating family narrative.

*  Thursday, July 13 (in-person – just come to La Roche University) Sponsored by FamilySearch. David Rencher, AG, CG, FUGA, FIGRS, “What’s New at the FamilySearch Library and FamilySearch” 


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