Friday, July 12, 2024

Added and Updated Record Collections - Week of 6 to 12 July 2024

 The following genealogy record collections were added to the Card Catalog page by Date Updated during the period from 6 to 12 July 2024:

The ADDED and Updated collections include:

Yarmouth, Massachusetts, U.S., Directory 1895; indexed records without record images, Updated 7/11/2024.  Directory listing more than 770 names for Yarmouth, Massachusetts in 1895.

Newton, Massachusetts, U.S., Directory 1929; indexed records without record images, Updated 7/11/2024.  Directory listing more than 34,200 names for Newton, Massachusetts in 1929.

Illinois, U.S., Catholic Diocese of Joliet, Sacramental Records, 1800-1976; indexed records with record images, Updated 7/11/2024. This collection includes sacramental records from Catholic Churches in the Diocese of Joliet, Illinois, dated between 1800 and 1976

Uruguay, Civil Registry 1900-1937; indexed records without record images, ADDED 7/11/2024.  This collection includes the national index of the civil registration books of birth, marriage, and death from all the departments in Uruguay from 1900 to 1937. This index was created from ind...

New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S., Historical Notaries' Indexes, 1770-1966; indexed records with record images, ADDED 7/11/2024. This collection contains images of indexes produced by notaries in New Orleans, Louisiana, between 1770 and 1966. The indexes contain information about financial transactions, estate proceedin...

Web: South Holland, Emigrants, 1850-1899; indexed records without record images, ADDED 7/10/2024.  All data in this third-party database was obtained from the source’s website. does not support or make corrections or changes to the original database. To learn more about these r...

Rutherford County, Tennessee, U.S., Marriages, 1889-1940; indexed records without record images, ADDED 7/10/2024. This collection contains marriage records from Rutherford County, Tennessee, USA, between the years 1889 and 1940. Most records are in English.

Lancashire, England, Catholic Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1762-1913; indexed records with record images, ADDED 7/10/2024. This collection contains images of the original parish member lists and registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials created between 1762 and 1913 by Catholic churches in Lancashire, England.

Wisconsin, U.S., Death Records, 1872-2004; indexed records with record images, Updated 7/10/2024. The information provided in this collection is not a legal vital record index. Inclusion of any information does not constitute legal verification of the fact of the event. This collection con...

California, U.S., Registrations of Motor Vehicles, 1905-1922; indexed records with record images, ADDED 7/10/2024.  This collection contains images of motor vehicle registration books produced in California between 1905 and 1922. The registers contain information about motor vehicle owners and the vehicles ...

Wisconsin, U.S., Divorce Records, 1907-2015; indexed records without record images, Updated 7/10/2024. This collection contains records for couples who were divorced between 1907 and 2015 in Wisconsin. While the collection mostly consists of divorce certificates, from 2009 onwards you can also ...

Georgia and Transcaucasia, Immigrant Colonists from Germany, 1820-1934; indexed records with record images, ADDED 7/10/2024.  This collection contains records of German colonists living in Georgia and Transcaucasia between 1820 and 1934. This is an image only collection. Records may be written in Georgian, German, or...

Wisconsin, U.S., Birth Records, 1812-1921; indexed records with record images, Updated 7/10/2024.  The information provided in this collection is not a legal vital record index. Inclusion of any information does not constitute legal verification of the fact of the event. This collection co...

United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) Records, 1943-1947 (USHMM); indexed records without record images, Updated 7/09/2024.  This database contains information relating to the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration’s (UNRRA) work with refugees and Displaced Persons after World War II.

Western Australia, Australia, Crew and Passenger Lists, 1852-1930; indexed records with record images, Updated 7/09/2024.  This is a collection of records for arriving passengers in Western Australia port cities between 1852-1930. The records cover many different ports and were kept by two different agencies over ...

Rhode Island, U.S., Birth Registrations 1846-1921; indexed records with record images, ADDED 7/09/2024.  This collection includes births registered in Rhode Island between the years 1846 and 1921. They are organized by town and birth date (or the date when the birth was registered). Since legisla...

Ebensee, Austria, Records of Displaced Persons, 1945 (USHMM); indexed records without record images, Updated 7/09/2024.  This collection contains records of displaced persons from Ebensee, Austria.

London, England, Freedom of the City Admission Papers, 1681-1930; indexed records with record images, Updated 7/09/2024.  This database contains papers associated with application for "Freemen" status. Freeman are: a man who did not have to pay trade taxes and shared in the profits of his borough, a per...

New Zealand, Emigration Reference Books, 1853 and 1890; indexed records with record images, ADDED 7/08/2024.  

Waterford, Ireland, Thompson's Funeral Books, 1874-1929; indexed records with record images, ADDED 7/08/2024.  This collection contains mortuary records associated with Thompson Funeral Directors in Waterford, Ireland between 1874 and 1929. Most records are handwritten in ledgers.

Arlington, Virginia, U.S., Arlington National Cemetery, 1861-2024; indexed records without record images, ADDED 7/08/2024.  This collection contains burial records from Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, USA between the years 1861 and 2024. Most records are in English.

First 100 Years of the Baptist Church of South Australia, Australia, 1937; indexed records with record images, ADDED 7/08/2024.  First 100 Years of the Baptist Church of South Australia, Australia, 1937


The complete Card Catalog is at  

By my count, there were 12 NEW record collection ADDED this past week, per the list above.  There are now 33,530 collections available as of 12 July, an  INCREASE of 13 from last week. 


Disclosure: I pay for an All-Access subscription from In past years.  provided a complimentary All Access subscription, material considerations for travel expenses to meetings, and hosted events and meals that I have attended in Salt Lake City.

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Copyright (c) 2024, Randall J. Seaver

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1 comment:

Diane Henriks said...

Thanks for this update, Randy! :)