Monday, July 8, 2024

Amanuensis Monday -- 1761 Property Distribution of John Hill (1707-1759) of Fairfield, Connecticut

  This week's document for transcription is the 1761 property distribution of John Hill (1707-1759) in the Fairfield County, Connecticut probate records.

*  Fairfield County, Connecticut Probate Records, Case 2909, image 1088 of 1428:

*  Fairfield County, Connecticut Probate Records, Case 2909, image 1089 of 1428:

The transcription of this document is:

A Distribution of the Real Estate of John Hill Late of Fairfield
Deac'd Made by the Subscribers Under Oath to the Widow & Children
of s'd Deac'd.

To s'd widow the Midle Lower room in the House & Chamber over it        }
& one third part of the Celler on the west side thereof also one third           }    118. 5. 7
part of the barn in the North end Likewise five Acres on the North             }
Side of the Homelott.                                                                                   _}
and in the Lott in the Comon field Joining to the Higway four acres           }
of the East end to run from the Corner at the Creek forty seven rods           }      44.14. 2
on the Line Next to the Highway from thence to A Stake by the Creek       _}
also four Acres three quarters & 18 rod on the West Sde of the Lott of Land }
at Barly's Plain, Nine Acres & half at two Mile rock the Southard part          }    29. 4. 2
being that Which was Lately Comon                                                             _}    62. 6 .8
five Acres three quarters by Onesimus Golds to be on the west Side of       }       28. 6. 8
that Land this day Set out to Sarah Hill also one Acre & three quarters       }         8. 8. 3
on the East Side of the Land set out to Nathan Hill ajoining to s'd 5 Acres  }
& 3 quarters.                                                                                                 _}
about fifteen Acres of Land in Hills Long Lott Northward of the Country         }
road that goes to Reeding on y'e Northwest and the Whole width of s'd Piece _}   9. 0 .0
one Acre & quarter of Salt Medow in the Homested Lying Nine rods wide from           }
the Creek next the Highway & runing 25 rod in Length in the range of the Easternmost}
Stadel to the westermost Corner of the House formerly David Hubbels to a Stake        }      9. 18. 9
Set in the Marsh from thence Square of Cross to s'd Creese all During Her Life          _}   310.  4. 2
In Moveables                                             £23.15.2                                                                23. 15. 2

To Nathan Hill the Land at two mile rock in quantity twenty seven Acres    }
and Half with the buildings thereon reserving to the widow the Use and      }            187 .0. 0
Improvement of Nine Acres &  an Half Set out to Her dureing Life           _}
Nine Acres of Land inwards & Hills Long Lotts purchased of Jabez Wakeman   }
begining at the first cross Highway & to extend Southerly till it Meet                }         45. 0. 0
with the Land of Sam'll Burr reserving to the widow the Use & Improvement   }
pf one Acre & three quarters as set out to her dureing her Life                          _}   
also one Acre & quarter of Salt Medow Described In the Distribution to s'd Widow  }   9.18. 7
& the Improvement thereof reserved to Her dureing Her Life                                  _} 241.18. 7 
In Moveables    £2.12.1                                                                                                      2.12. 7
                                                                                                                                        244.10. 8

Distributed & Set out to Isaac Hill Within the field Gate on south Side
of the Highway in quantity Sixteen Acres & half & fifteen rod reserving  }
the Use and Improvement of four acres to the Widow dureing her             }           207.15. 0
Life as before Set out to Her.                                                                     _}
Also one Acre & Half & ten rod in the Homested on the North Side       }
five rod & half wide at the front & to run to Robert Gurney's Land         }              36.15. 8
& to be Six rods wide at that end reserving the Use and Improvement    }      ___________
of the whole to the widow dureing Her Life.                                           _}              244.10. 8

To Joseph Hill ten Acres & half Land on the Southerly part of the           }
Homested with the buildings thereon being the whole of s'd Homested   }
excepting what is before Set out to Nathan & Isaac Hill reserveing         }            244.10. 8
three Acres & half thereof to the widow Set out to Her dureing Life.     _}

To Esther Hill fourteen Acres & half fourteen rod of Land att Barly      }
Plain reserveing to the widow the Use & Improvement of four Acres    }             87.12.14
three quarters of fourteen rod Set out to Her dureing Life                     _}
& about twenty two Acres & half in Hills Long Lott Northward of the Country  }
Road thatr goes to Reding being one Half of s'd Land on the East Side               }
of sd Lott reserveing the Use & Improvement of Seven Acres & half of             }   13.10 .0
s'd Land at the North end thereof to the widow as Set oyut to her dureing Life _}
In Moveables    £21.2.10                                                                                            21. 2.10

To Sarah Hill Seventeen Acres of Land in Hills Long Lott Near Onesimus     }
Golds bounded SouthEasterly on s'd Golds Land & Northwesterly on the       }
first Cross Highway Westerly in part on Land Set out to Nathan Hill              }     85. 0. 0
& in part by Sam'll Burr Land NorthEasterly in part by s'd Golds Land          }
& in part by Joseph Hills Land reserveing to the widow the Improvement      }
of five Acres three quarters thereof dureing her Life on the westerly side.     _}
also about twenty two Acres & half of Land in Hills Long Lott Northward     }
of the Country Road that goes to Reeding it being one half of s'd Land           }
on the west Side thereof reserveing the Improvement of Seven Acres &           }    13.10. 0
half at the North end thereof to the Widow dureing her Life.                           _}
In Moveables        £23.15.4                                                                                        23.15. 4

May 25'th  AD 1761                                            Sam'll Burr         }
                                                                             Sam'll Squier Jr  }  Distributors

The source citation for this deed is:

Fairfield County, Connecticut Probate Court, John Hill distribution, written 25 May 1761; imaged, "Connecticut, U.S., Wills and Probates, 1609-1999,"   ( : accessed 30 June 2024), Fairfield District  > Probate Packets Hendrick, J. - Hill, 1648-1880, Case 2909 (images 1088-1089); original records deposited in Connecticut State Library, microfilmed and digitized by FamilySearch, and indexed by

This dsitribution of real and personal property is an Original Source with Primary Information and Direct Evidence of the real and personal property of  John Hill of Fairfield in Fairfield County, Connecticut set out to his widow and five living children.  From the will, the widow was to receive one-third of the real and personal property (about £334), each son was to receive an equal share (about £244 10s 8p), and each daughter was to receive an equal share equal to one half the value of the sons' share (about £122 5s 4p). 

John Hill was born 29 June 1707 in Fairfield, Connecticut Colony, the son of John and Jane (--?--) Hill.  He died 17 December 1759 in Fairfield, Connecticut Colony.  John married Esther Bulkley (1713-1770) on 17 January 1729 in Fairfield, Connecticut Colony.  She was the daughter of Joseph and Esther (Bulkley) Bulkley.  John and Esther (Bulkley) Hill had at least 9 children:

*  Nathan Hill (1731-1794), married 1765 Martha Wakeman (1736-1766).
*  John Hill (1734-1749).
*  Esther Hill (1738-1772), married 1761 Daniel Wakeman (1732-????).
*  Joseph Hill (1739-b1752).
*  Rachel Hill (1740-1746).
*  Sarah Hill (1742-1832), married 1762 George Wakeman (1732-1814).
*  Isaac Hill (1745-????), married Elizabeth Lawrence (1758-1810).
*  Joseph Hill (1752-????), married about 1773 --?-- --?-- (1754-????)
*  John Hill (1755-1759).

A daughter, Rachel Hill (1746-1784), who married Amos Ranney (1744-1820) is listed in some family trees, but is not mentioned in the will of John Hill.  

The probate packet also includesJohn Hill's will,  a list of debts paid (about £300), a long inventory of the personal property (about £208, including £80 for negro men named Dick and Toby) and real property (total of about £1000), and a distribution of the real estate to the five children mentioned in the will.  There is no probate record for Esther (Bulkley) Hill in the Connecticut Wills and Probates collection on Ancestry.  However, her share of the real property was included in the shares of each child, to be held for her use and improvement until her death.

John and Esther (Bulkley) Hill are my 7th great-grandparents, through their daughter Sarah Hill (1742-1832) who married George Wakeman (1740-1814) in 1762.


NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"

"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."

Read other transcriptions of records of my ancestors at Amanuensis Monday Posts.

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