Calling all Genea-Musings Fans:
It's Saturday Night again -
Time for some more Genealogy Fun!!
1) Do you watch YouTube videos on a regular basis? What are your favorite YouTube channels for genealogy research?
2) Tell us about your favorite YouTube channels in your own blog post, in a comment on this post, or in a Facebook Status post. Please leave a link on this post if you write your own post.
Here's mine:
Ever since I started writing Genealogy Education Bytes, I have been monitoring specific YouTube channels that pertain to genealogy and family history. I now have 114 channels on my watch list.
The YouTube channels that I never miss include:
* DearMYRTLE's Archive -- I participate in this almost every program and try to contribute to the discussion.
* BYU Library Family History -- this channel often has two or three hour-long sessions each week, many of them related to FamilySearch.
* LisaLisson -- Lisa has excellent research topics in a 10 to 20 minute video each week.
* Genealogy TV -- Connie Knox has excellent reasearch topics in a 10 to 30 minute video each week.
* Aimee Cross - Genealogy Hints -- Aimee has excellent research topics in a 10 to 20 minute video each week.
* Family Locket -- Diana Elder and Nicole Dyer have excellent research topics (especially DNA and AI) in a 5 to 30 minute video (or podcast) each week.
* Your DNA Guide -- Diahan Southard often has DNA-related videos on her channel that are very helpful.
I keep finding new channels - usually from a reference on Facebook or in a blog post. There are many genealogy-related channels - almost every genealogy company has a channel, some channels are "once in awhile," other channels are dormant, but may return. I wish that there were more AI-related channels - maybe there will be more in months to come.
I much prefer genealogy video to podcasts - I learn best by watching how to do something and not listening to someone describe how to do something.
I usually don't watch every minute of every channel - I often speed-watch looking at graphics, but do listen to how-to videos that can help me perform a task.
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Here is a list of my YouTube genealogy favs
Here's mine.
Here's my list:
My paltry list:
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