Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A cousin found again

We lost track of my second cousin Marcia (my father and her mother were first cousins, their mothers were sisters) two Christmases ago when our Christmas card and my family newsletter were returned by the Post Office. A phone call to the number we had was unproductive. Another letter was returned. Where did she go? I checked the San Jose area newspapers for obituaries, but I figured that her friend would have let us know if she had died.

Out of the blue, we received a letter this week from Marcia's friend, Peggy, who said that Marcia had been moved again to an assisted care facility. She gave us an address and phone number for Marcia, and for herself. So my cousin is still alive, although having memory loss. Peggy's letter mentioned a package of papers that Marcia wanted me to have.

The packet came today with about 10 personal letters and ephemera from my Seaver family aunts and uncles, a newspaper clipping about Marcia's mother's dress designing, plus a few things relating to my brothers. The most interesting item was the Episcopal marriage booklet for Marcia's parents with the names written in, and the signatures of the participants. I will share the letters from my aunt and uncle with their two children, and my brother's high school graduation announcement and thank you note with my brother.

Now I need to write a note to Peggy and Marcia telling them of our family news since 2005 - two new grandchildren, the passing of Aunt Geraldine, and more. Hopefully, the next time we visit the Bay area we can drop in to see Marcia at her new digs.

A cousin re-found! I am thankful.

This experience showed me that it is very difficult to find living people if they don't communicate with you where they are. Without engaging a private detective to research court records, state records, city records and the like, it is almost impossible to find someone in this sort of situation. Does anyone have ideas on how to pursue this type of issue?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


It is easy if the individual has an Internet presence: site/blog/email.

Sometimes you have to get creative by putting in the name and a hobby or occupation.

Often I use my search agent, Copernic. It is available free at No, I don't get any kick-backs if you upgrade.

I really enjoy Copernic. They have won awards with this "golden" retriever. Anyway, it will go all over the net, using multiple search engines and even some of the invisible web.

There's a review of it on my genealogy web site, too.

Happy Dae.