Scott Fisher's Extreme Genes radio show and podcast about genealogy and family history is a weekly event. He has a regular segment every week with David Alan Lambert of the New England Historic Genealogical Society and another regular segment with Tom Perry about preservation of records and media. Then there are the interviews with persons involved in genealogy and family history in between.
In Episode 184 released over the weekend, Paul Woodbury of Legacy Tree Genealogists and Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings were the interviews. You can listen to the episode using the "Play the Latest Podcast" segment on the blog post Episode 184 – Why DNA Test Seniors First, and Other DNA Questions / GeneaMusings Blogger Randy Seaver On His Genealogy Go Over. Scott's blog post also has a transcript of the entire show.
Here is the summary from the post:
Host Scott Fisher opens the show with David Allen Lambert, Chief Genealogist of the New England Historic Genealogical Society and The guys begin with the story of a man who claims to descend from a King of Wales in the 6th century, and says he is next in line to become the successor of Queen Elizabeth II! Then, David shares the story about the discovery of a large number of 18th century coffins in Philadelphia. And, yes, there are dead people in them! Hear how this came to happen. Next, David fills you in on back fill in San Francisco? in this case? 19th century ships! In fact, they are under the streets there. Maps are now available to tell you where you might be standing over a ship. Then, Fisher and David talk engagement rings and how they came to be diamond rings? in the 1930s! David’s Blogger Spotlight this week is on Lorine McGinnis Schulze’s blog David will tell you about one recent post that David found fascinating.
In the second segment (starts at 10:39), Paul Woodbury of talks about commonly asked DNA questions, including ethnicity numbers and why you should test your seniors first. Paul brings his years of insight to this enlightening conversation with Fisher.
Then it’s Randy Seaver (starts at 24:16), the man behind The well known blogger discusses with Fisher his efforts at a “genealogy go over.” What is it? Where does it come from? What’s the end goal? Randy lends his voice to this increasingly popular method for genealogists to solidify and generally improve their work.
Then, Tom Perry, the Preservation Authority from goes way over Fisher’s head (not that that’s hard!). Answering listener questions, Tom explains some of the history of various video formats you may be dealing with.Well, that was genealogy fun!
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