Friday, December 27, 2019

Randy's "Best" Genea-Musings Posts in 2019

I guess it's OK to write this post now - I wrote over 960 blog posts in 2019, including some pretty good ones, IMHO.  I want to list the "best ones" - according to me!  They are the ones I want to be able to easily find later, or ones that might help another researcher.  I'll list them in chronological order:

 Dear Are You Fixing These Problems? (17 January 2019)  NOTE:  They Did!!

45 of them ... and I could have added more. It is heavy with Dear Randy, DNA, Ancestry, MyHeritage and personal research posts, but those are the ones that I want to easily be able to find and those that might help another researcher. 

 I hope you enjoy clicking through some of these over the New Year's holiday.  I did!  It's funny (haha, not strange) that I don't recall writing some of them.  More Gene-amnesia?  

 In addition, I transcribed and sourced many of the records and documents on hand in my weekly   Amanuensis Monday and Treasure Chest Thursday posts, plus the ancestor biographies in the 52 Ancestors series.  

With this list, I should be able to remember some of what I did wrote in 2019!


Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

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Linda Stufflebean said...

I love reading your posts, Randy. Happy New Year!

Diane Gould Hall said...

I will read of few of those. Thanks for sharing. I read a lot of your posts, for sure, but not every one. Here’s to 2020 bringing more discoveries and more great blog posts from our blogging guru .... Randy Seaver.
Happy New Year.

Cunningb2 said...

One of my favorites posts is a very personal one - your drawing attention to what was happening with Rootsweb Mailing list literally saved my 14 year old mailing list for MIssisquoi, Quebec, Canada ( Historic county) that we volunteers have used as a way to organize transcribing projects, TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 2019 Many RootsWeb Mailing Lists Are Now Inactive. I cannot ever thank you enough -we are now back at our work humming along.
My second favorite are the mining Ancestry posts, I’ve found hundreds of obits from the last post about this from October 2019. I see the December update, post again about this tool soon, more folks should be using this. The amount of hints that aren't sortable ( except by name or date) have gotten so huge that i don't think anyone wades through them anymore. Thanks again and Happy New Year —Nancy