Between blogging, emailing, trying out new website features, and watching RootsTech sessions, this has been a very busy day! I did manage to visit Linda for an hour at hewr facility, go grocery shopping, have lunch, doze in the recliner, and check Facebook for Relatives at RootsTech, but this is post #5 today (I slacked off, I guess)!
1) Sessions Observed (and available handouts saved):
* Overcoming DNA Brick Walls by Shannon Combs-Bennett
* 1. Associating Autosomal DNA Segments With Ancestors by Roberta Estes
* DNA Interest Groups That Keep 'em Coming Back by McKell Keeney
* Diaries, Journals and Calendars: Documenting Your Ancestor's Day to Day Life by Melissa Barker.
* Using New England Probate Records -17th to 20th century by David Allen Lambert.
* 1. Lay of the Land: Introducing American Land Records by David Allen Lambert.
* 2. Lay of the Land: Strategies for Using Land Records. by Ann Lawthers.
* 3. Lay of the Land: Mining homestead records by Melanie McComb.
2) News From Companies:
3) My RootsTech Blog Posts:
* Randy at RootsTech 2022 - Day 1 Virtual Activities
3) Notable RootsTech Blog Posts:
* RootsTech Day 1 snippets by Judy G. Russell
* RootsTech 2022 Handouts by Alyson Mansfield.
* RootsTech 2022 Exhibitor Promotions and Downloadables by Alyson Mansfield.
* RootsTech 2022 Deals and Promotions by Alyson Mansfield.
* My First MyHeritage LiveStory by George G. Morgan.
* Special RootsMagic Discount for RootsTech Attendees by George G. Morgan.
* Friday Finds – Relatives at RootsTech by Marcia Philbrick.
* MyHeritage Releases LiveStory – Let Your Ancestor Tell Their Own Story Using AI Tech by Leland Meitzler.
* RootsTech 2022 - Day 1 - What Did I Learn? by Miles Meyer.
* The DNA Geek at RootsTech! by Leah Larkin.
* One Aspect of RootsTech 2022: Sales and Savings for a Limited Time Only by MCGG.
* Join Us for FREE at the RootsTech 2022 Virtual Conference! by Family Tree DNA.
* RootsTech Connect 2022 Update: The Family History Guide on the Exhibit Floor by James Tanner.
* RootsTech Connect 2022: Update on FamilySearch's use of Artificial Intelligence and Handwriting Recognition by James Tanner.
* Shotbox Portable Light Studios featured at RootsTech Connect 2022 by James Tanner.
* New Scanning and Story Apps from by James Tanner.
* Are you ready to be amazed again? MyHeritage announces Live Story by James Tanner.
* RootsTech Connect 2022: a breakthrough tool for genealogical research by James Tanner.
* Are You Watching RootsTech With Us? by The Chart Chick.
* Expo Hall at RootsTech, Part 1 by Linda Stufflebean.
* Expo Hall at RootsTech, Part 2 by Linda Stufflebean.
* RootsTech 2022 - Opening Day and Expo Hall by Linda Stufflebean.
* Share ancestors’ stories and photos with fun new tools from Ancestry and MyHeritage by Gail Dever.
* RootsTech 2022 Day 1: Overwhelmed, Teary Eyed, and Creeped Out by Melody Lassalle.
* RootsTech Connect 2022 Day 1 – #ChooseConnection by Roberta Estes.
* RootsTech Connect 2022 Playlist for Native American Research by Amie Bowser Tennant.
* Day One Of Roots Tech by Ellen Thompson-Jennings.
For those readers that wondered about it, I won't be doing a Genealogy Blog Compendium for RootsTech 2022. I added a section to this daily wrapup post for notable genealogy blogs about RootsTech. Why? Many blogs have been abandoned in favor of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc., plus I have other tasks to do.
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