This week's document for transcription is the 1683 will of Nicholas Bonham (1631-1684) of Piscataway, New Jersey in the Middlesex County, New Jersey probate records.
* Middlesex County, New Jersey Probate Records, page 262 (stamped), image 155:
* Middlesex County, New Jersey Probate Records, page 262 (stamped), image 155
The transcription of this document is:
"In y'e name of God, Amen. The sixt day of February in ye year One
thousand six hundred eighty-three, I, Nicholas Bonham of y'e Towne of Piscataway in y'e County of Middelsex in East New Jersey being feeble in body but of good and perfect memory thankes be to y'e almighty God and calling to remembrance the uncertaine estate of this transatory life & t't all flesh must yield unto Death when it shall please God to call, do make, constitute, ordain and declare this my last Will & Testament in manner and forme followinge, revokinge and annullinge by these present all and every Testament and Testaments, Will and Wills heretofore by me made and declared either by word or Writings and this is to be taken only for my last Will and Testament & none other...And First beinge penitant and sory from y'e bottom of my heart for my Sins
past most humbly desiringe forgiveness for y'e same I give and commit my
Soule unto almighty God my Saviour and Redeemer in whome & by y'e Mercies
of Jesus Christ I trust and belive assuredly to be saved & so have full remissions
and forgiveness of all my Sins & y't my soule with my body at y'e generall day
of Resurrection shall rise againe with joy and through y'e merits of Christs
death and passion passes & inherit y'e Kingdom of Heaven prepared for his Elect
and Chosen and my body to be buried in such a place where it shall please
my executor hereafter named to appoint. And now for y'e things of my tem-
porall estate & such goods, chatels & debts as it hath pleased God far above
my deserts to bestow upon me I do order give and dispose y'e same in manner
and form followinge that is to say...
Ffirst I will y't all those debts & duties as I owe in right or conscience to any
maner of person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truley contented and
paid, or ordained to be paid within convenient time after my decease by my
executors hereafter named...
Item, I give & bequeath unto my dearly beloved Wife Hanah Bonham
the house and lot y't I now live on & y'e bed y't we now lye on duringe
her natural life & after her decease loving son Hezekiah Bonham...
Then, I give unto my said son, Hezekiah Bonham all y'e rest of my Lands
lying within y'e Townshipe of Piscataway or else where to him his
heirs and assigns forever...
Item, I will order and appoint y't all my Cattell with my household goods
shall remaine in hands of my executors hereafter named for y'e supporte
of my Famely and y'e bringinge up of my Children and as any of them
Marries such parts of y'e Cattel and goods to be given them as my
Executors shall think meet with & by y'e advise & consent of my Overseers
hereafter named...
Item, I will and bequeath unto my Grand Children now liveinge or
shall be borne within a year after y'e date hereof, one Bible to
each of them to be bought & paid for out of my estate by my ex-
ecutors hereafter named...
Item, after y'e decease of my said Wife what Chattels, goods or lands
that is then undisposed of I do will & bequeath unto my son Hezekiah
Bonham he beinge my sole Heire, exceptinge y'e legacies before men-
tioned and y'e other disposures in y'e articles above mentioned...
Item, I do will, constitute & appointe my wife Hanah Bonham & my Son
Hezekiah Bonham to be my whole & sole Executors to dispose of my estate
above mentioned accordingly as is above ordered and appointed with and by the
advise and Consent of my overseers here after mentioned...
Item, I do request & desire my friends Isaake Smally and Edward Slater
to be my overseers to assist & advise my said executors about y'e disposeinge of
my estate and affairs as above said...
Given under my hand and seal this ^ day and year above Written. Sixth Day of February One thousand six hundred eighty three.
Nich's. Bonham (Seal)
Signed & sealed in the
presence of
Edward Slater
Isaac Smalley.
Isacke Smally & Edward Slater came before us Samuel
Dennis John Bishop & James Giles Justices of y'e Peace in
the County of Middelsex and acknowledged the above written
will and tooke their corporall oath of the same that the above
written will was the will of the above mentioned Nicolas Bonham
and sealed and signed in the presence of y'e said Isacke Smally
and Edward Slater in Witness hereof have ho????
set there hands this eighteenth day of December 1684. Sam'l Dennis
James Giles
John BishopThe source citation for this deed is:
New Jersey Surrogate's Court, will of Nicholas Bonham, dated 6 February 1683, proved 18 December 1684; imaged, "New Jersey, Wills and Probate Records, 1656-1999," ( : accessed 7 September 2015, no longer available), Middlesex County, "Wills, Vol. 9-10," pages 177-178 (stamped), images 111-112 of 472; original rccords in Middlesex County, New Jersey court records, microfilmed by FamilySearch, and indexed by before being withdrawn in September 2015.
This will is an Original Source with Primary Information and Direct Evidence of the disposal of the real and personal property of Nicholas Bonham to his widow and his children.
Nicholas Bonham (1631-1684) was born about 1631 in Essex, England, the likely son of George and Mary (Bishop) Bonham. Nicholas died 20 July 1684 in Piscataway, Middlesex County, East New Jersey Colony. He married Hannah Fuller (1636-1686), on 1 January 1658/9 in Barnstable, Plymouth Colony. She was the daughter of Samuel and Jane (Lothrop) Fuller. They had at least eight children:
* Hannah Bonham (1659-1689), married 1677 Daniel Lippington (1659-1694).
* Mary Bonham (1661-1742), married 1681 Edmund Dunham (1661-1734).
* Sarah Bonham (1665-1738), married 1681 John Fitz Randolph (1653-1727).
* Elizabeth Bonham (1666-1704), married 1685 Edward Slater (1644-1702).
* Hezekiah Bonham (1667-1733), married 1691 Mary Dunn (1672-1699).
* Samuel Bonham (1672-1682).
* Jane Bonham (1675-1675).
* Priscilla Bonham (1677-????), married 1694 John Longstaff (1664-1745.
Nicholas and Hannah (Fuller) Bonham are my 10th great-grandparents through their daughter Mary Bonham (1661-1742) who married Edmund Dunham (1661-1734) in 1681.
Copyright (c) 2024, Randall J. Seaver
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