Saturday, August 3, 2024

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- Create a Kinship List for An Ancestor

  Calling all Genea-Musings Fans: 

 It's Saturday Night again - 

Time for some more Genealogy Fun!!

Come on, everybody, join in and accept the mission and execute it with precision. 

1)  Have you created a Kinship List for any of your ancestors or relatives in your genealogy software program?  If so, select an Ancestor - say, one of your great-grandparents, and create a Kinship List of all of their descendants.  Or another ancestor further back in time.

2)  Show us your work - how you did it, and the Kinship List generated (at least one page of it).

3)   Share a link to your blog post, or your Facebook Status post, on this post.

Here's mine:

I use RootsMagic 10 as my genealogy software program, and wanted a Kinship List of my 5th great-grandfather, John Kemp (1723-1795).  I knew this would be a long list.

In RootsMagic 10 I performed these steps:

1)  On my "People" action page on the left-hand menu, I highlighted John Kemp (1723-1795).
2)  I clicked on the "Publish" action on the left-hand menu, and then opened "All Reports and Charts"
3)  On the list of Reports, I clicked on "Kinship List."
4)  On the "Kinship List" form I selected John Kemp (1723-1795) 
5)  On the "Include?" dropdown menu, I selected "Select From List"
6)  On the "Select From List" menu, I highlighted John Kemp and then clicked "Mark"
7)  On the "Mark" dropdown list, I selected "Descendants of highlighted person" and then "Direct descendants only" and I selected 8 generations, as shown below. The program then marks all of the persons for the list.

8)  Click "OK" and then "Select" and "OK" and the program creates the data for the list.
9)  Back on the "Kinship List" report page, click on "Generate List" at the bottom of the form.
10)  The Kinship List will then show in the right-hand panel of the screen, with the number of pages at the top.  Here is my screen for the first page of 26:

11)  I can save this List to my "Reports" file folder using the "Save to File" icon at the top of the page.

Note that John Kemp has 26 pages of about 38 names per page - that is over 980 descendants for through 8 generations.  All of the persons on this list are related to me.  AncestryDNA tells me that 30 of them are a DNA match with me, with ThruLines ranging from 6th cousin down to 3rd cousin.

The list generated is alphabetical (last name, first name) and shows only the relationship to the selected person.  I could have chosen in the "Sort By" dropdown menu to list the persons by Relationship rather than by alphabetical name.  The list tells me that I am his 5th great-grandson.  I wish that it showed me more, like the year range of each person.

Since Kinship usually includes siblings' spouses and their siblings, and usually includes spouses with their parents and siblings, this Kinship Report doesn't really include persons that many researchers would consider Kin.  It needs an option to include families of siblings and families of a spouse's siblings and parents and grandparents within several generations.


Copyright (c) 2024, Randall J. Seaver

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ByAPearl said...

Here's the Legacy 10 version of a kinship list

Lisa S. Gorrell said...

Here's mine:

Teresa said...

Here's mine - I had fun with this :) I use Family Historian:

Linda Stufflebean said...

Here's mine:

Janice M. Sellers said...

Here's my contribution: