Wednesday, February 8, 2012

(Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Post 191: Randy's Little Red Pedal Car

 I am posting photographs from my family collections for (Not So) Wordless Wednesday (you know me, I can't go wordless!).  

Every kid wanted a little red, one person, pedal car to drive on the sidewalk around the neighborhood, right?  Or even in the street...I seem to recall getting several blocks away from home with this luxurious model.

This is your humble correspondent (I used to be pretty cute, eh?  and blond, too) and his red pedal car in the late 1940s.  My guess is about 1947-1949, since I look age 4 to 6 in this picture.  

This photograph was in the treasure box of Seaver/Carringer family photographs given to me by my mother in the 1988 to 2002 time period.

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copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2012