He writes:
"There are people who live long enough to create a link — a one-generation link — to figures from what feels like a distant past, and their presence among us shrinks history. When 'Long Ago' suddenly becomes 'So I said to him ...,' long ago jumps closer.
"There are many examples of people who shrink history this way. The blogger Jason Kottke has been collecting examples. He calls them 'human wormholes,' because these people help us leap across space/time."
The article discusses several "human wormhole" instances, including:* In 1973, a man who said that his father was a friend of Rasputin and he remembered that came over for tea.
* In 1956, Samuel Seymour discussed being at Ford's Theater when President Lincoln was shot
* Oliver Wendell Holmes, the famous Supreme Court Justice, shook the hands of Presidents John Quincy Adams and John F. Kennedy.
* President John Tyler has two grandsons still alive.
* The last Civil War widow, Alberta Martin, died in 2004.
I thought that it was interesting.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2012/02/rasputin-time-travel-worm-holes-oh-my.html
Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2012
The other day, I saw the "John Tyler has two grandsons still alive." That really caught my eye!!! ;-)
Great post! I have my own story like this, which I blogged about way back in January 2009 using two photos that linked me to the Civil War: http://michaelhait.wordpress.com/2009/01/11/weekly-genealogy-blogging-prompt-1-photos/
Things like this amaze me. Thanks for sharing!
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