Monday, February 6, 2017

Amanuensis Monday -- 1724 Will of Jonathan Hubburd (1659-1728) of Concord, Mass.

This week's documents for Amanuensis Monday are the 1728 Middlesex County, Massachusetts probate documents for Jonathan Hubburd (1659-1728) of Concord, Massachusetts:

1) Probate packet 12191, image 2, Letter Testamentary:

The transcription of the Letter Testamentary is:

To all unto whom these Presents shall come
Jonathan Remington Esq^r Judge of the Pro-
Bate of Wills &c within the County of Midd^x
within the province of the Massachusetts Bay in
New England Sendeth Greeting.

Know ye that on the Day of the Date
hereof the Instrument within written purporting
the last Will and Testament of Jonathan Hubburd of Concord in
said County ^Decd^ was presented for Probate by Ebenezer Hubburd a
Son of the said decd and Sole Execut^r for the s^d Instrument
named when were present Mass^s Samuel Meriam
William Wood and Timothy Minot the three witnesses thereto
Subscribed who upon Oath declared that they Saw the Said
deced Sign and Seal and heard him Declare the said
Instrument as his last Will and Testament and they
Subscribed their names together as Witnesses to the Execution
thereof in the Testators presence and that he was then
to the best of their Judgments of Sound and disposing mind.
At the same time Hannah Hubburd the widow, and Jonathan
Hubburd, Samuel and Joseph Hubburd Samuel Fletcher and
Daniel Davis Heirs of the Deced Signified under their hands that
they were Satisfied and consented to the Proof of the said Instrument.
And I do hereby prove & approve and allow of the s^d
Instrum^t as the last Will and Testament of the beforementioned
deced and commit the Admin^on thereof in all matters the
Loune concerning and of his Estate whereof he died Seized and
possessed in said County unto the beforenamed Ebenezer Hub-
bard (who accepted of this Trust) well and faithfully to
execute the Said will and to admnister the Estate
of the said deced accoring thereunto – and he gave Bond
in 500^00 Samuel Meriam of Said Concord husbandman
Surety. – In Testimony whereof I have hereunto Set
my hand and affixed the seal of the Probate Office
for the said County the twenty fifth day of November
In the year of our Lord One thousand Seventeen and
and twenty eight.
By order of the Judge &c
Fra Foxcroft Reg^r                                    Jon^a Remington
                                                    Entred in the Registry of Wills &c
                                                    for the County of midd^x Lib. 18 pa. 529
Bond filed                                  Attest Fran Foxcroft Reg^r

2) Probate packet 12191, image 4, the will of Jonathan Hubburd:

The transcription of the will is:

In the Name of God amen. The twenty fifth Day of August Anno Dom: one
Thousand Seven hundred and twenty four. I Jonathan Hubbard of Concord In the County of
Midd^x within the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Yeoman being
of perfect mind and memory and calling to mind the mortality of my body knowing that
it is appointed to all men once to dye do make and ordain this my last Will and Testa-
ment (that is to Say) Principally I recommend my Soul into the hands of God who gave it
and my body I recommend unto the Earth to be buried in Decent Christian Burial at the
discretion of my Execut^r nothing Doubting but at the General resurrection I shall receive
the Same by the Almighty power of God; And as touching Such worldly things and affairs
wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me here in this life I Give and Dispose of the Same
in manner and form following.

Imp. I Give and Bequeath unto my well beloved wife Hanah Hubburd all my moveables
in the house for ever and the entire use and Improvement of the East end of my house from
top to bottom with the use of one half of the cellar under the West end of said house also
three pounds of mony to be paid unto her by my Execut^r yearly, twelve bushels of Indian
Corn and Six Bushels of rye, one hundred pounds of pork and fifty pounds of beef and Suffici-
ent firewood and brought unto her door and all this yearly during her widowhood.
I also give my wife one cow which is to be kept both Summer and Winter for her use and
benefit during her widowhood, by my said Execut^r also two Bushels of malt two pounds of cyder
and what Apples she needs yearly and the Improvement of a third part of the garden.

Item To my Daughter Mary Daviss I Give one feather bed and a boulster.
To my Son Jonathan Hubburd three pounds of money and my cane.
To my Daughter Hannah Temple three pounds of money.
To my Son Sam^ll Hubburd three pounds of money and my muff.
To my Son Joseph Hubburd three pounds of money.
To my Daughter Elizabeth Haywood on feather bed and a boulster.
To my Son John Hubburd three pounds of money.
To my Son Daniel Hubburd the one half of my village right and three pounds of money
To my Son Thomas Hubburd three pounds of money, and to my Daughter Abigail Fletcher three
pounds also.

Item. I give all my wearing Apparel unto my Sons to be equally Divided among them and my books unto my Sons and Daughters to be equally distributed among them.

Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Son Ebenezer Hubburd whom I make the sole Execut^or of this my Last Will & Testament
the residue of all my Estate both real and personal, paying out the Several bequests abovesaid within four years after
my Decease: Providing for my wife as afores^d and burying her in case She dies my widow in Decent and Chris-
tian Burial. And I do hereby utterly Revoke and Disallow all other Testaments and Wills, Legacies and Execut^rs
by me before made or named, Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament
And In witness thereof I have Set my hand and Seal the day and year aboves^d .
Signed Sealed Published, Pronounced & Declared by s^d Jonathan Hubburd
as his last Will and Testament In presence
of us the Subscribers                                              Jonathan Hubburd {seal}
Samuel Meriam
William Wood

Timothy Minott

3)  Probate packet 12191, image 7, affidavit of heirs:

The transcription of the affidavit is:

Sept 1728
These are to certify whom it may concern that we
whose Names are Subscribed being the Relict
widow and children of Mr. Jon^an Hubburd of
Concord late Dec^d: Do hereby Signify and Mani-
fest our free consent unto the Proof and Esta-
blishm^t of the last Will and Testament of said
Jon^an Hubburd. As witness our hands
                                         Hannah H Hubburd
John Hubburd                 Jon^th Hubburd
Daniel Hubburd              Samuel Hubburd
Thomas Hubburd           Joseph Hubburd
Samuel Hayward           Samuel flether

                                       Daniel Davis

The source citation for this probate packet is:

"Middlesex County, MA: Probate Papers, 1648-1871," digital images, Ameircan Ancestors ( : accessed 6 November 2016), Probate Packet 12,191, 8 images, Jonathan Hubburd estate, will proved 1728; original probate papers in Middlesex County, Mass. Probate Court, Cambridge, Mass.

Jonathan Hubburd (1659-1728) married Hannah Rice (1658-1747) in 1681 and resided in Concord, Massachusetts.  They had 11 children, all of whom were born in Concord and are named in the will and were alive in 1724 when Jonathan wrote his will.  

Before he died on 17 July 1728, his daughter Hannah (Hubbard) Temple, wife of John Temple, died in 1725.  Samuel Fletcher was the husband of Abigail (Hubbard) Fletcher.  Samuel Hayward is the husband of Elizabeth (Hubbard) Hayward. Daniel Davis  is the husband of Mary (Hubbard) Davis.

Jonathan and Hannah (Rice) Hubburd are my 8th great-grandparents through their son, Samuel Hubbard (1687-1753), who married Sarah Clark (1681-1720) and resided in Concord. 


NOTE:  Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent  TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday."  John offers this definition for "amanuensis:" 

"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."

My list of previous Amanuensis Monday posts is at  

Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver

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